View Full Version : Nothing excites me anymore, feel numb, bored, fed up and lonely

18-05-21, 19:14
Hi there.

I’ve suffered with anxiety, hypochondria and OCD for a long time but not depression (well apparently I did suffer from depression as a teenager according to my mum but I don’t remember much of it, I think a lot of it had to do with me coming to terms with being a lesbian that may have lead to my depression back then). I had social phobia and never left the house from about 14 when I left school to 23, started Zoloft and it basically saved my life, I started working in nursing and made friends, never been happier! Had lots of plans and dreams. Then I fell in love with a straight girl and had my heart broken... I have not been right since!

I think I may be suffering from depression? I was always a very confident person, now I feel small. I always enjoyed the simple things and was easily made happy, now I enjoy nothing. When my partner puts a movie or tv show on, I just stare at the wall and cannot focus or keep up with the stories, I think what’s the point? Tv shows and movies I enjoyed I no longer enjoy. I feel numb and heartless. I used to love hard and believe in magic and after life, now I feel like I believe in nothing? I feel quite bored and hopeless, I used to dream of having kids. Now I don’t like I am unmotivated. It’s like I feel scared and hopeless. Does it sound like depression?

Nothing seems fun anymore? I feel bored and fed up

19-05-21, 07:49
I don't know the full details re this girl; but if it was a case of a one-sided 'relationship' then I totally understand what it's like to fall headlong for someone who doesn't feel the same about you, and for that to still be affecting you years later..

Have you done any counselling?

You do sound depressed to me; numbness was a symptom with me when I was clinically depressed so you're going to need some support with this..

19-05-21, 19:21
It was very one sided and emotionally abusive

20-05-21, 06:15
It was very one sided and emotionally abusive

Have you had any counselling?

20-05-21, 14:57
No expert, but it does sound like depression.

Maybe see your GP? Also counselling?