View Full Version : Hello

19-05-21, 21:46
Hello I'm a middle aged British woman.

Probably like everyone else the last year or so have been incredibly difficult for me. I work for the NHS (community), was redeployed during first lockdown, struggled through last year. Then in February my mum died unexpectedly, then 2 weeks after that my step-gran died of Covid. I battled on and tried to support my step-dad, then my son and his partner of 4 1/2 years split up (I absolutely loved her), then my husband became ill (he suffers health anxiety due to both his mum and brother dying of cancer 2 years apart + he has an autoimmune disorder), he doesn't handle illness well and is still undergoing tests.

Anyway, after a visit to the doctor with my husband (where he was thrown out of the practice for being aggressive to the GP - he actually wasn't, but it was interpreted so). I completely unravelled.

The first couple of days I suffered extreme anxiety, intrusive thoughts and just cried. A week and a half later with intervention from the local mental health team and being signed off work here I am. Feeling completely useless and an anxious wreck.

I've had issues with panic attacks/anxiety/depression/post natal depression in the past but I seemed to cope well (with the aid of medication) for 14 years until now.

Sorry for the long ramble, I guess I'm here to help me get well again.

19-05-21, 21:56
Hiya Catkins and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

19-05-21, 23:33
Welcome to NMP: Catkins.

I'm sorry you have so much to deal with - I do hope you and your family will start to feel better soon. I'm sorry for the loss of your mum and step-gran.

I hope you'll feel less alone here.

Take care.