View Full Version : Skin cancer fear....again!

20-05-21, 07:30
Morning all,
I've succumbed and searched the dreaded Google again (why on earth do I do it to myself?) and so thought I'd jump on here to see if anyone has experienced, or is experiencing, the same as me and can relate.
I've got a purple/light red coloured uneven mark on my shoulder, have had this for probably pushing a year now. It doesn't hurt, isn't raised and is smooth to touch.
Recently I've started up with a skin cancer fear, having discovered through Google that some skin cancers can be without pigment or lightly coloured, as I fear this one is.
I've got a doctors appointment Sunday morning so will of course ask then, but has anyone had this before and can put my mind to ease slightly?
I should probably also note it sits directly under my bra strap, and in particular the ring of the strap. The marks however never goes away, which is the worrying part.
Thanks all!

21-05-21, 07:38
I've got a purple/light red coloured uneven mark on my shoulder, have had this for probably pushing a year now. It doesn't hurt, isn't raised and is smooth to touch.
Recently I've started up with a skin cancer fear, having discovered through Google that some skin cancers can be without pigment or lightly coloured, as I fear this one is.

Sorry, I'm confused..

You've said the mark is purple/light red, so why do you think it's without pigment or lightly coloured?

I've got red/purple dots all over my body. They're Cherry Angiomas - which are benign and very common, especially as we get older - and this is what yours sounds like to me..

As for Googling... :redcard:

21-05-21, 21:35
Sorry, I probably wasn't overly clear in explaining first time around.
It's more of a light red/purple patch on the back of my shoulder, probably a cm or two in length.
It hasn't changed shape or grown in the year I've had it, but having a HA flare up and I've jumped straight on to worrying about it.
Google is awful isn't it?! Big red flag!
Thanks for replying