View Full Version : Good grief, im back.....

21-05-21, 00:15
I was hoping, as lovely as you all are, that I'd never be back here. Yet here I am! A few familiar names still posting.
Anyway. Its been many years since I was last in the throws of a HA attack. I've been really lucky to have had years of being ok. At the minute I'm in the midst of a brain tumor scare - how predictable! However to me its very real and very frightening. About a year ago I started feeling a bit light headed, like slightly drunk light headed, then shortly after I noticed my balance was off, northing major id just have to over compensate when turning or id lightly bump into the wall whilst walking next to it. We went into lockdown and I didnt want to bother the GP as we were in the midst of a global pandemic. Fast forward to last month - I wake up one morning with intense vertigo, something I've never had before. Over the course of the next few days I get an achy neck and headache. Headache comes and goes, neck ache stays. Then 2 weeks ago I get intense headache and dizziness. I start noticing all mu visual issues, sore eye socket, blurred visions, dizziness when moving eyes etc. After a week of Headache I finally go to the dr. She thinks I've pulled the muscle that goes up around my scalp. We talk about the vertigo but for some reason I dont mention the dizziness or balance issues, I guess I got caught up in the moment. She does some checks and notices I have nystagmus. She thinks I have an inner ear problem, sends me away with anti inflammatory and antihistamine for vertigo and tells me to see an optician. Today I got a clean eye health check up.
Since my dr appointment I've had a whole host of other symptoms that have shown up. I now think I have a brain tumor that has been growing for some time. In my mind it all adds up to a tumor and I need to go back and see someone.
Has anyone else had balance and dizziness thats last for over a year and suddenly got worse? I also get tinnitus and severe brain fog and forgetfulness..I can't even remember what I did yesterday and I have to think for a good few minutes before it comes to me.
I keep thinking the worst 😓

21-05-21, 07:15
I was hoping, as lovely as you all are, that I'd never be back here. Yet here I am! A few familiar names still posting.
Anyway. Its been many years since I was last in the throws of a HA attack. I've been really lucky to have had years of being ok. At the minute I'm in the midst of a brain tumor scare - how predictable! However to me its very real and very frightening. About a year ago I started feeling a bit light headed, like slightly drunk light headed, then shortly after I noticed my balance was off, northing major id just have to over compensate when turning or id lightly bump into the wall whilst walking next to it. We went into lockdown and I didnt want to bother the GP as we were in the midst of a global pandemic. Fast forward to last month - I wake up one morning with intense vertigo, something I've never had before. Over the course of the next few days I get an achy neck and headache. Headache comes and goes, neck ache stays. Then 2 weeks ago I get intense headache and dizziness. I start noticing all mu visual issues, sore eye socket, blurred visions, dizziness when moving eyes etc. After a week of Headache I finally go to the dr. She thinks I've pulled the muscle that goes up around my scalp. We talk about the vertigo but for some reason I dont mention the dizziness or balance issues, I guess I got caught up in the moment. She does some checks and notices I have nystagmus. She thinks I have an inner ear problem, sends me away with anti inflammatory and antihistamine for vertigo and tells me to see an optician. Today I got a clean eye health check up.
Since my dr appointment I've had a whole host of other symptoms that have shown up. I now think I have a brain tumor that has been growing for some time. In my mind it all adds up to a tumor and I need to go back and see someone.
Has anyone else had balance and dizziness thats last for over a year and suddenly got worse? I also get tinnitus and severe brain fog and forgetfulness..I can't even remember what I did yesterday and I have to think for a good few minutes before it comes to me.
I keep thinking the worst 

Sorry to see you back in the HA way and all that..

Clean bill of health at the opticians is a good sign as a lot of brain shit is seen there first.

I have inner ear issues - dizziness, the works. Headaches are my norm but I do have fibromyalgia.

You say 'since your doctors appointment, a load of symptoms have shown up'? Which makes me thing 'anxiety'.

Of course you keep thinking the worst because that's the nature of the HA beast. What did you do to gain control of the last HA phase?

21-05-21, 09:25
Nora, to be honest, I think I just burned myself out of every health condition I knew lol. I had every test under the sun for every single part of my body and I think I came around to the idea that anxiety can be so big it can pretty much cause any symptom.
The problem is that when you're fighting your own mind you question everything. I hate this. I'm not sure why I'm like this. I used to be so strong, which was part of the problem as I couldnt comprehend that my body was telling me I needed to rest or have a break or take care of myself. So when things started to go wrong, there must have been something wrong, right? But no, im still here. Funny enough a brain tumor wasn't one of my previous fears. I just don't want to spend another 3 years the way I was last time - i honestly felt like I was dying every day. Just a horrible feeling.
I hope this time I can get a grip of it quickly. Any help would be appreciated!

21-05-21, 12:41
Hi Clover,
brain tumour is what started me down the H/A slope.My doctor got sick of the sight of me,one day he said stand up and put your feet together,now close your eyes.After about 30 seconds he said right sit back down,i looked at him and asked what was that all about?You are not truly dizzy or you would have fallen down he said.Now i do not know if he did that just to put my mind at rest,but it did work for me.
I also went to my opticians,as Nora said it is a good place to go.They can see so much through our eyes
Tinnitus is something i suffer from to too and as for forgetting things should we really be surprised when our heads are full of rubbish?I truly wish i could help you more Clover but H/A is a very clever adversary,as you quite rightly say we are fighting our own minds.All my best to you Gizmo.

21-05-21, 18:56
I've also been having a bad time with headaches, dizziness, and health anxiety over past year, so I really sympathise. Gp says its due to stress and too much screentime. I suspect my terrible posture is involved. I need to find some exercise I could do to try and fix my posture!

Take care and try not too be too consumed with worry xxxx