View Full Version : Anxiety worst in the morning

21-05-21, 10:00
New to the forum.

I seem to have my worst anxiety first thing in the morning (it can continue all day depending on the day).

It's the time I have my most negative thoughts, all my anxiety symptoms are at their heightened. I struggle to do anything.

Any hints and tips to get through this time of day.

21-05-21, 10:50
It's pretty normal as cortisol is highest first thing in the morning, it's designed to get you up and out.

Best thing to do is not focus on it, it doesn't 'mean' anything. The more you focus on the times of your anxiety, the more you will pre-emptively worry about it and make it worse.

The quicker you get up, get ready and start your day, the sooner you'll burn off the cortisol and feel better. Being out in daylight as early as possible makes a huge difference as it helps promote the creation of vitamin D (which is actually a hormone) and re-balance your overall self.

21-05-21, 11:02
I didn't realise that that was when cortisol was at its highest. Thanks for that.

I think I'm going to try and get a morning routine sorted out a bit better. I do have a tendency to sit with it, waiting to feel calmer. Which probably is the worst thing to do.

21-05-21, 11:42
I do have a tendency to sit with it, waiting to feel calmer. Which probably is the worst thing to do.

I wouldn't say it's the worst thing to do, and being able to sit with anxiety is a valuable skill in overcoming it (sitting with it without becoming more and more anxious), but you're also putting yourself in a position of potentially focussing on the anxiety, which leads to wondering, and imagination etc.

Before I understood the mechanics of anxiety I would just lay around 'waiting to feel better', but that just makes it take longer. Get up, get ready, get out.....is what I found to be by far the best way of getting through these times. It is what we are designed to do after all.

21-05-21, 12:02
Thank you.

I guess it's an advantage having a dog!

21-05-21, 13:09
Taking the dog for a walk first thing is a massive bonus. Ideal antidote to moping :yesyes:

22-05-21, 08:16
Definitely better to have a morning routine as opposed to sitting around ruminating. Lovely that you've got a dog and I hope he/she can help you feel and get better as the Summer approaches (hopefully??!!) and walks can be more enjoyable in the sunshine.

22-05-21, 15:00
This morning I woke up with the same rush of anxiety. But I told myself 'oh its all that cortisol'. The anxiety didn't magically disappear but it made it a hell of a lot easier to deal with. 😁

22-05-21, 17:50
Always best to downplay what is basically "just" a sensation. Knowledge is power.

22-05-21, 18:52
It's what Claire Weekes called the 'dreaded morning feeling' .... been having it on and off for years. Best to pace yourself into the day and just get going ... even if it is just walking that dog. I always find that going out for a walk helps me to walk it off so-to-speak.

23-05-21, 10:43
This morning I woke up with the same rush of anxiety. But I told myself 'oh its all that cortisol'. The anxiety didn't magically disappear but it made it a hell of a lot easier to deal with. 

No it won't disappear as it's being fuelled by hormones, this is compounded by your own attention and focus on it.

If you don't engage with it and worry about it, it'll pass a lot more quickly. Just a rough guess, if you get up and get out maybe an hour of feeling odd rather than an entire morning of feeling anxiety.

23-05-21, 13:54
So far just knowing what it is, is helping.

Also re-reading a Dr Claire Weekes book and that's helping too.