View Full Version : Confused racing thoughts

22-05-21, 15:45
Hello everyone

I can't explain these racing distorted thoughts I have occasionally. It's as though I can't latch onto a thought quick enough before it's gone. I did make the mistake of Googling it and came away convinced I was Bi-polar. After common sense kicked in, I rationalised that I don't show any symptoms of Bi-polar. It's apparently also common in people who have ADHD. Could somebody please reassure me that this is normal in GAD and I'm not going round the bend? Many thanks, Velvet.

22-05-21, 16:09
Racing thoughts are common in GAD.

22-05-21, 23:10
Yea racing thoughts are extremely common with anxiety. I am bi-polar and it’s much more about drastic mood changes then it is about racing thoughts. The people around you would likely say something and you would notice too. I’m not oblivious to the fact that It’s happening I just have absolutely no control over it. One minute I’m all the way down and the next I’m all the way up. Sometimes it’s so bad I can’t stand to be around myself. The people close to me know how I am so I often get a pass when I bite their heads off for no reason and I am truly blessed for that because at times it’s a lot to handle, I feel sorry for them a lot of the times having to deal with me 😉

23-05-21, 11:10
Lucinda and Careful1 Thank you both for your replies. I just wanted a bit of reassurance, you know what it's like!
