View Full Version : Question about how to cope

24-05-21, 03:21
So I have been having a good few month with my health anxiety but I can't fully put it to bed. Since learning more about how covid can cause heart problems and strokes in some patients it makes me worry about myself. Now I haven't had a confirmed case of covid but I work in retail pharmacy so its possible I have had an asymptomatic case.

Heart problems were one of my major health anxiety flare ups. I have seen a doctor and had a clean EKG and a routine physical and had labs taken. Everything is OK as far as my health goes. My problem is every time I start to fall down the rabbit hole again it's hard to be able to argue with my anxiety because there is a very real virus that can cause the issues I'm worried about.

Sorry if this was long and rambling. I guess I'm just wondering how everyone else is coping during this time.

24-05-21, 05:15
I'm not sure if this will help you, but COVID is not unique in its ability to potentially cause damage to the heart. Many many viruses have the potential to do so; it's just that they don't usually reach there because they usually infect more easily accessible areas of the body, like the throat, lungs, or GI tract. The same can be applied to COVID; it has the potential to damage the heart, but it usually doesn't because it doesn't usually infect there-- it usually stays in the lungs.

Viral heart disease or myocarditis is something that can happen with any virus you may get infected with, however, it is exceedingly rare. And although myocarditis causes damage, this damage is usually temporary and is something that the body will fully recover from. Very rarely is the damage enough to cause permanent issues or sequelae.

24-05-21, 05:36
Thanks for the reply. That is actually really helpful. I guess the media just blows everything up and highlights all the rare things happening. I will definitely keep this in mind going forward.

24-05-21, 05:49
No problem! :) I totally understand how scary COVID is; I was taking a University course on Virology right when the pandemic started lol. I lost sooo much sleep thinking that this was The End. I think I worried so much at the beginning that I no longer have any more worries left to give (at least about COVID).