View Full Version : Bump on kid's shoulder

24-05-21, 13:29
This site has helped me a lot and I've learned to slowly monitor something new instead of immediately running to the doc for me, but now this is my kid and a whole different issue. Cant sleep well I'm so worried.

A couple weeks ago we noticed a bump on my kid's shoulder. Maybe about 2.5cm in diameter. Fairly hard. Hadn't noticed it before but also hadn't been feeling around the shoulder so I don't know if that is just when it started rising above the skin or what. It looked like it had a head trying to develop like a pimple on the corner and after a few days it looked like it could be popped so we tried but only a small amount of white material came out and a little blood. Now it's got a black dot at the tip and won't pop anymore. It seems like the diameter is a little smaller, but it still feels really dense and deep.

Started worrying that maybe by coincidence a small pimple developed near it but that the main part isn't a pimple and started worrying about a sarcoma. I read lipomas can be common on the shoulder but it's definitely hard and not soft / squishy. Can't get to a doc for a week and it's driving me crazy. Keep checking it several times a day for any sign it's shrinking. Just hoping it's like some big spider bite or pimple or something but I just don't like how hard it is...

24-05-21, 13:50
I would leave it alone and see what happens.

Surely you are going to stress the child out by making a big issue of it and then make them worry more.

Just leave it and don't keep poking and prodding it and it will probably go on its own or develop into a boil/cyst type of thing.

24-05-21, 21:46
The black dot will more than likely be just a dry plug of blood. The surrounding bump will just be residual inflammation.

It's probably best if you try and leave it now so your child doesn't become alarmed.