View Full Version : ganglion cyst? plantar fasciitis? or something more sinister?

25-05-21, 16:34
In early 2018 I went through a rheumatoid arthritis scare due to rampant tenosynovitis in my right hand and wrist. Around the same time I was seeing a rheumotologist for that, I started experiencing a weird popping sensation between the third and fourth toes of my left foot. It would ache very mildly on occasion but otherwise didn't bother me. I mentioned it to the doctor and she suspected it could be also related to RA so she sent me for an MRI, which revealed a ganglion cyst in the same area as the popping feeling, and bursitis (though I'm not sure where in my foot that was. I never had bursitis-type pain).

As the rheumatologist wasn't convinced I had RA, she put me on a wait-and-see regimen and told me to come in if anything changed. Nothing did, and in late 2019 I went back and asked her if I could put it all behind me. She sent me for more bloodwork, which came back normal (and CRP levels were actually improved), so she said it seemed I was in the clear. I did my best to let it go, and considering the tricky nature of autoimmune diseases, I feel I've done pretty well with that. I can still feel the cyst if I move my foot in a certain way, but most of the time I forget it's even there.

Last Monday, I started taking walks after work. Just a half mile around my neighborhood, but over uneven pavement and in shoes that probably aren't the best for walking (they're sneakers, but probably more aesthetic than functional). Monday was fine, Tuesday was fine, Wednesday was fine until I got out of the shower after my walk. As I went down the hall from the bathroom to my bedroom, I noted a mild pain the arch of my left foot. It doesn't hurt to put weight on it, isn't tender to the touch, no visible swelling, no stiffness, but the pain is most obvious after I lift my foot and before I step back down. It's also started aching dully at rest, though this may be because I'm hyper-aware of it now. The pain is concentrated in the arch, but it also kind of radiates into the ball of my foot and back toward the heel. Thanks to my past experience of being told I probably had RA, and knowing it's tough even for an experienced doctor to say with 100% certainty "you don't have this autoimmune disease", I can't help worrying that this might be a new sign that I do.

Rationality tells me this is plantar fasciitis, or maybe just some general irritation/inflammation. I'm not an active person, and one of the reasons why I started walking was to change that. Thanks to this new pain I haven't taken any walks since last Wednesday, 6 days ago, but it doesn't seem to be getting better, though it's not really getting worse either. And I have walked elsewhere (went shopping in an outdoor shopping village on Sunday, with pavements and hills and wearing flip-flops). Plantar fasciitis sounds super painful and this is not, plus my experience doesn't line up with the "worse pain first thing in the morning" thing associated with plantar fasciitis, so I'm hoping this is just normal for a typically-sedentary person who started walking without proper shoes. It could also be bursitis I suppose, though I'm trying not to Google that since bursitis is often seen in people who have RA (and just as often in people who don't; I know). I guess it could also be related to my ganglion cyst, though the pain is in a different spot.

Anyway, since I tend to ramble and already have been, I'll cut myself off there...just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar and had it turn out to be benign?

25-05-21, 17:41
Someone close to me had mild plantar fascitis caused by not wearing supportive shoes. As we get older the muscles in the feet are not as robust & it is important to wear appropriate footwear. Lace up shoes with a small heel are the best. Stop wearing flip flops for a while & you will see an improvement after a week or two. Plantar Fascitis is usually mild- moderate. There are some exercises which can help, but the best thing is to wear lace-ups or quality trainers which will give plenty of support until the tissue heals itself naturally.

25-05-21, 17:52
the best thing is to wear lace-ups or quality trainers which will give plenty of support until the tissue heals itself naturally.

True. My wife walks A LOT. 3-4+ miles a day. She's been getting some arch pain recently and yeah, we're getting older for sure. While she has good quality walking shoes, we bought some support inserts/cushions and that solved the problem.


25-05-21, 19:13
Good advice. As much as I don't want to admit I'm getting older, I was 40 on my last birthday, so I guess it's not out of the question. Next time I walk I'll wear my gym shoes.

Thank you!

25-05-21, 19:55
Next time I walk I'll wear my gym shoes.

Look into some gel arch support inserts :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

06-01-22, 14:47
Anyone with bursitis have an idea of how long it takes to stop being painful?

I was diagnosed (by MRI) with bursitis in the ball of my left foot 4 years ago, but it's never really bothered me. I hadn't had any pain leading up to it and it appears to have been an incidental finding, and since finding out about it, I've had only very sporadic discomfort in that foot which is very mild and has always resolved on its own. The weekend before Christmas I spent almost the entire two days on my feet running around taking care of holiday-related things, and ever since then, I've had pain the ball of my foot in the general area of where I was told the bursitis was (which is also in the same general vicinity of my ganglion cyst - so it may be the cyst causing the pain, I don't know and don't want to Google). It's not agonizing, I'm not limping, it's just uncomfortable and annoying and because it's there, it's causing some anxiety related to my previous RA scare (as everything seems to do).

I've been resting it as best I can, considering it's my foot and I need it to get around, and taking sodium naproxen, and it's bearable. But I would really love it if it would just go away. My sister-in-law also has bursitis in her foot and she said her doctor told her there's nothing they can really do about it, so I'm hoping this is just a flare due to being on my feet and I won't have to see a doctor about it. Assuming that the pain is actually due to bursitis, that is.