View Full Version : Infection from splinter

26-05-21, 21:09
Hi, hoping someone can help me. I am driving myself nuts over this. Nearly two weeks ago, I got a splinter in the meaty part of my palm at the base of the thumb. I waited a couple of days to see if it would fester and pop out. When it didn't, I dug around but not sure I got anything. A small drop or two of pus came out--not much. Went to the doctor 8 days ago and he couldn't see anything but prodded and poked with fine tweezers. Said he didn't think there was anything left in there, if there ever was. But the spot stayed tender and seemed to have whitish/yellow pus below the skin around the crust where the scab was forming, so on Monday he started me on an antibiotic, Cephalexin 500mg four times a day. I went back yesterday and he shot me up with lidocaine in the area and then did a deeper dig. Didn't really find anything, and was pretty sure there was nothing there. Put a Bandaid on it. Today, there's the brown circle where he dug around, in the process of forming a scab. Around that is a whitish ring, maybe an eighth of an inch wide, and around that some faint redness. It's slightly swollen, but not tender.
What bothers me is that whitish ring. Is that pus collecting under the surface of the skin from an infection, or is it a sign of healing? It's weird that the pus could reappear just hours after he operated on it.
I've uploaded a couple of photos. (The small spot near the wound is where he shot the lidocaine in.) The appearance doesn't seem to change at all from day to day, even though I've been on the antibiotics for 2 1/2 days now. Any suggestions will be appreciated! Worried that the antibiotics won't knock out the infection, if that's what that whitish yellow area is. --Ben

26-05-21, 21:43
We can’t do more than your doctor, and it already sounds like they’ve been very thorough.
Just keep it clean, maybe be the in salt water once a day and it’ll be better before you know it.

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26-05-21, 21:59
pictures removed