View Full Version : Really scared - urine/bladder symptoms

27-05-21, 17:33

I’ve got myself into a bit of a state.
I’ve been obsessed with bladder issues for a while now after struggling with the frequent urge to urinate. I know this is a common symptom of anxiety so I was trying to chalk it up to that. I’ve had some numbness down my left leg and saddle area which my GP thinks was stress related and it had since gone and haven’t had any issues for 2 weeks. Every time I start to feel positive something else comes along. I now feel like I have lost the urge to wee???? It’s as though I can’t feel bladder pressure but feel pressure in the urethra area when I need to go. Even if my bladder is full and I pass a good volume of wee, I don’t have that full bladder feeling in the lower abdomen. I’m freaking out now thinking my nerves are damaged and I have a spinal tumor or MS or something hideous. If I press on my bladder I can tell if it’s full but other than that nothing. I’m 30yrs old. No children yet. Was healthy and fine before all this stress.

I’m day 12 on 50mg of sertraline (25mg for a week before that).

Im convinced I’m going to die x

28-05-21, 08:43
Anyone? ��

28-05-21, 09:02
You're very, very unlikely to die, it's almost certainly anxiety but it wouldn't hurt to speak to your GP and see if it's anything treatable.

28-05-21, 09:27
I now feel like I have lost the urge to wee???? It’s as though I can’t feel bladder pressure but feel pressure in the urethra area when I need to go. Even if my bladder is full and I pass a good volume of wee, I don’t have that full bladder feeling in the lower abdomen. I’m freaking out now thinking my nerves are damaged and I have a spinal tumor or MS or something hideous.

...I’m day 12 on 50mg of sertraline (25mg for a week before that).

Paragraph two probably explains the first. Bladder problems are potential side-effects of many antidepressants including sertraline. They include both increased or decreased urine output, urinary retention or hesitancy, burning/painful urination, bladder pain, loss of control and dark/cloudy urine (less common blood in urine). They usually diminish after a few weeks.

28-05-21, 09:50
A lot of my problems have come on since I started the sertraline.
Just had a big wee with barely any urge to go.
Waiting for a call back from my GP now x

28-05-21, 10:38
Just had a phone call from my GP.
Having bloods next week (have to wait for an appointment because of covid) and MRI lumbar/sacrum on 7th June.
She says if they are ok we can look to take me off sertraline and try something else although she isn’t convinced it is that because I was on it a few years ago and was fine.

Super worried now �� xxx

28-05-21, 12:15
She says if they are ok we can look to take me off sertraline and try something else although she isn’t convinced it is that because I was on it a few years ago and was fine.

Initial side-effects can differ each time an AD is restarted, plus changing to another med won't necessarily solve the problem as these are relatively common with all ADs. If it is an initial side-effect it will likely resolve soon anyway.

28-05-21, 21:29
Initial side-effects can differ each time an AD is restarted, plus changing to another med won't necessarily solve the problem as these are relatively common with all ADs. If it is an initial side-effect it will likely resolve soon anyway.

I’m not entirely convinced it’s the sertraline anyway. I have lower back and leg pain also which is leading me to think it’s a lumbar issue xx

07-06-21, 07:23
Just coming on for some support. Have an MRI this evening and really nervous. Not too worried about the process as I’ve seen it many times at work but I’ve never had one myself and hoping I don’t feel anxious/unwell in the scanner.
More nervous about the results. I’ve convinced myself it’s metastatic cancer.
Still having urinary symptoms ranging from slow stream on and off and the constant need to go (urethral sensation)
Bladder never really feels full. Dipped my urine a couple of times and it’s always positive for blood - no UTI. MSU was sent a while back for these symptoms and it was clear xxx

07-06-21, 20:56
Hello everyone

I’ve had a lumbar/sacral MRI this evening and am now waiting for results. I should hear by the end of the week apparently.
Scan was done for numbness and tingling in my legs and saddle area and urinary symptoms.
I’ve had a look at the images on the disc they gave me(stupid I know) and on one of the images there is a warning sign (triangle with ! In). Now I’m worrying that this is something awful!

I’m managing to stay relatively calm right now but I’m still slightly on edge thinking the phone will ring any second and it will be the hospital saying they’ve found something terrible.


07-06-21, 22:07
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


13-06-21, 11:33
Just thought I’d update this thread incase anyone ever goes through anything similar.
Lumbar sacral MRI results were normal. Unremarkable scan. All bloods normal apart from low vit D. Still having some urinary symptoms but GP thinks that’s anxiety.
The numbness I experienced she thinks was a side effect of the medication I am on. It’s subsided now so staying on it as i’m responding to it from an anxiety point of view. Still anxious but much less so and was able to get on with work and life while waiting for MRI results. Couldn’t even focus on watching TV this time 5 weeks ago so I’ll take that as a win ��.
Now I’ve just got to learn to stop checking and not to react to every slight sensation I feel xx