View Full Version : Pain + then ectopic...scared...

27-05-21, 20:38
A month ago I noticed I was getting chest pain followed by an ectopic. The pain would stop after the PVC. Then it would happen again and again. Pain, thump, pain eases up. I felt like my heart was sore from squeezing so hard :(

I went to the hospital and got checked out, told them I was having pain + pvcs. Obviously the doctor was very concerned that I was having pain with skipped beats, so they did bloods and ecg. But everything was 100% fine. I went to the hospital a couple more times in the weeks after because I kept getting random chest pains. Everything was fine and they said I just had mild gastritis caused by spicy foods and probably esophagus spasms, so I stopped going after that.

Now a month later that exact same feeling is coming back. The pain, then the thump, then the easing up of pain. It’s identical to last month.

I ate a lot of spicy food yesterday so it would make sense it was esophageal spasms again. I want to believe it’s the same as last time - nothing. But I keep wondering if it’s my heart. To be fair I get a lot more palpitations when my oesophagus or stomach is sore.

27-05-21, 23:57
Hey there Peachy, sorry to hear that your having such a hard time lately.
Ectopics weather PVCS or PACS certainly can cause brief pains like the ones you are describing.
All of your heart beats are generated in your sinus node or they are supposed to be anyways. You can think of him like a drummer, he hits the drum and he waits for the echo to die down and when it does he beats the drum again. You have cells all over your heart and for whatever reason they sometimes get irritated and when that happens they can fire off an electrical pulse that generates a heart beat early in the cycle, depending on where that electrical pulse comes from it will either be a PVC or PAC. PVCS come from the ventricles which are the bottom chamber of your heart and PACS come from
the atrium which is the upper chamber of your heart. So basically your sinus node is pounding his drum waiting for the echo to die down and while he is waiting one of the cells in another area of your heart send out an impulse and unfortunately the sinus node doesn’t realize that the echo he is now hearing is not from his drum so he is waiting and waiting for the echo to die down. This waiting allows the heart to fill up with a bit more blood then it would have had a wayward beat not come early in the cycle and so when the echo finally dies down and the sinus node beats his drum again your heart has to now push out all that extra blood which is why we feel a hard thump or a flutter and yes it can sometimes be a little painful because imagine your heart has a rubber band around it, your heart stiffens while it fills with blood and relaxes once it pushes the blood out. In that brief pause when the heart fills up with extra blood it’s stretching a little. Imagine when you stretch a rubber band and then let it go and it snaps back hitting your finger. That’s kinda the best way I can explain why ectopics can at times be painful. A lot of people have this complaint but it doesn’t make the situation more worrisome.
Then you have the possibility that the symptoms you describe aren’t related to your ectopics at all. Your stomach and your esophagus are right near your heart and so the pain very well could be coming from one of those and seeing how it tends to happen after you eat spicy food, it would make more sense that it is.

Have you seen an actual cardiologist or just been seen in the emergency room? If these symptoms are getting to you maybe you can see both a cardiologist and a gastroenterologist to find out where exactly your symptoms are coming from and go from there. In the meantime try not to worry, ectopics in a structurally normal heart with no heart disease while extremely annoying and sometimes scary are benign.

I hope this helps a little ❤️