View Full Version : horrible feeling

10-11-07, 23:51
Hi All,

I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for the last 4 and a half years, and have been on escitalopram for 2 of them.

The problem I have now is that I am getting a horrible feeling every now and then. Its a feeling that is quite hard to describe, but I hope that I can try and explain it.

It starts as though my stomach turns, not in a nauseous way, but when this happens I get like a feeling of dread, and it makes me jump and really tense up, and I feel as though I have to stand or sit still. It happens quite a few times a day, and each time I get it, it really scares me.

Have any of you had this symptom before.

Thanks for reading

11-11-07, 00:00
I have had this horrible feeling all day long, never had it like that before. I think it is the feeling of doom that we get, but it is horrible. Scared to move out of my chair, anxious all day for no reason that i know of. Like i say i have never had this for a whole day before like this so i am suffering today too. Also my bp is up and has been all day, normally it is fine or even low at times. So i don't know what is going on either. I don't know how to fix it, wish i did, but i have just tried to distract myself by coming on here or with tv or something. It hasn't gone but i can't think of anything else to do.
I hope you feel a bit better soon, hope we both do.x

11-11-07, 00:06
Yep I get this one - a horrible feeling will come over me momentarily,that is so hard to explain and then it will go off again. Weirdly inexplicable, cos I can't decide whether I think it's physical or mental, cos it sort of feels like both.

I guess what I do is try not to give it too much importance and just say to myself 'there go my nerves jangling again' and much like with any of the other symptoms try not to dwell on it.

It is a funny one though isn't it cos it's so hard to put into words.:wacko:

Piglet :flowers: