View Full Version : I think there’s a lymph node in my neck around 1.5cm :(

28-05-21, 13:55
It’s just below my jaw. It isn’t hard or anything and moves around very easily. I’m a 24 year old male by the way.

Obviously I can’t measure it accurately, but from what I can feel by measuring where I can feel it on my finger, I think it’s bout 1.5 cm. I remembered where it felt on my finger and then measured that distance with a ruler. Apparently anything over 1cm is considered suspicious, so I’m really freaking out.
It’s really hard to tell how big it actually is the thing; there’s surrounding tissue and stuff, but it feels like a 1.5cm bean.

I’ve felt it before passively, so I know I’ve had it for ages, but this is the first time I’ve actually felt it with the intention of seeing whether it’s normal, so I don’t know whether it’s grown since the first time I realised it was there.

I’m not prodding it as I know that can make them enlarge, and I don’t have any sort of cold or infection currently.

I also don’t think I can go back to the doctor again, having already been twice for two other things which turned out to be nothing in the past couple of weeks. Shall I just leave it? Is it normal? Or do you think I should go to the doctor and have it checked?


30-05-21, 14:48
The lymph nodes directly under the jaw are naturally larger than 1 cm. Don’t give this another thought

Best wishes

04-06-21, 16:11
Ah really? I thought anything over 1cm was considered malignant so that’s good to know. Thanks

05-06-21, 15:12
Does having shotty or permanently enlarged nodes increase the risk of getting lymphoma? The thought just popped into my head and I’m trying to resist googling it.

06-06-21, 09:36
Because I’m worried having several of those (either due to prior infection or from me prodding in the past) could actually cause me to get lymphoma in the future. I’m trying to avoid googling so although this is reassurance seeking, it’s better than doing that at least. Is there cause to be concerned?


06-06-21, 13:31

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06-06-21, 21:19
I’m now beginning to become concerned that if the enlarged lymph nodes are not cancer (though maybe they can turn into cancer later?) that they are related to the Epstein Barr virus. I posted a week or so ago that I was worried about strange spots at the back of my throat, so I’m worried it might be that, which apparently is linked to and can cause lymphoma! Has anyone had these fears? Could really use some support. I feel like I’m spiralling out of control. I’ve only just gotten over my testicular cancer fear having had an ultrasound and now have this. I’ve been trying with my CBT therapy but everything has gotten too much. There are so many things I feel could be wrong and they all point to lymphoma.

08-06-21, 22:46
1.5cm lymph nodes? That's normal. Shotty lymph nodes do not increase your risk of lymphoma. From my experience of speaking to people with H&N cancers and researching cancer myself, these people who were diagnosed did not have to search and prod for their lymph nodes. They were poking out the side of their neck and were swollen almost as big as golf balls.

1.5cm is definitely fine.

09-06-21, 15:34
If it makes you feel better, I had a lymph node that was shoddy under my jaw. I had that darn thing for years. A second one appeared so I went to the doctor and had him feel it. He said it wasn't a concern, but ran bloodwork just in case - all was well.

I was basically resigned to the idea that I would have them basically forever, but, they are totally back to normal now (I can't feel them unless I really go looking, which I don't).