View Full Version : HPV diagnosis has really freaked me out!

29-05-21, 02:24
Hi there. I’m a massive hypochondriac. I recently had a smear test and it showed no abnormal cells but showed that I have HPV! This sucks because I must have caught it from my first partner, I just lost my virginity at 28. I’m really taken aback by this because apparently it can cause your cells to become abnormal. I called the doctors a few times this week freaking out and they have told me it’s a very common virus and not to worry, I will just be screened more regularly but I’m so nervous!

What can I do?!

29-05-21, 03:55
Not much you can do at this point. But it’s not as bad as you might think. A lot of times the HPV just goes away eventually. Mine did. Make sure to stay current on your smears in case any cells do change. They can easily take care of those (I had some abnormal removed several years back, but all smears have been normal since). Try not to panic tho. I know it’s hard, but this is a super common diagnosis anymore and one that may very well resolve itself.

29-05-21, 03:58
So first of all you need to breathe.

HPV is insanely common...they say upwards of 75% of sexually active women have had an HPV infection. That being said, there are like 300 strains and not all are known to cause cervical dysplasia. Even if you did have an abnormal pap, which you didn't, they would test further via colposcopy before they even pursued any other steps. Cervical cancer is slow growing and that's why paps are recommemded yearly for HPV positive women and every three years or those who are negative. If you have a normal pap you are OKAY.

My personal experience is having positive HPV two years in a row with abnormal paps but when the colonoscopy was done, they saw nothing to biopsy and the pap was repeated. This year I had negative HPV and a normal pap. It can go dormant when your immune system is working well. My advice is to take folic acid and all the other good vitamins, relax, breathe, and have a repeat pap in year.

You are going to be okay!

29-05-21, 14:05
Thanks my love, you have calmed me down a lot.

I’m a lesbian and I didn’t know that lesbians can get it so maybe that’s why I’m shocked?! Also my sister and best friend are freaking out and are bad at my partner, I think the best friend likes me so she’s trying to put me off my partner and my sister doesn’t like my partner but their reaction freaked me out, my mum and aunts said it’s nothing and very common and not to worry but I worry about everything so it’s hard! I have b12 shots, wheatgrass, d3 and k2 and chlorella and spirulina, etc... my immune system is pretty good so hopefully it just goes

29-05-21, 14:05

29-05-21, 19:43
The thing I learned about HPV is that you can become infected and not know you have it for years until your immune system has a glitch and it shows itself. Also, it is spread by skin-to-skin contact, and you can get it orally and it also means condoms don't help so it's just so easily spread!

Your girlfriend can't be to blame because firstly, there is no test for HPV except for a pap and you have to have an active infection to test positive for it so there is a good chance your girlfriend didn't know she had it, assuming it was her that gave it to you. Being that it can lie dormant, if you had other partners in the past there is a good chance you had been exposed before and it wasn't even her that gave it to you. There is just really no way to tell unless she is your first partner.

30-05-21, 03:10
Even if the cells become abnormal it take years for that to progress to anything serious if it does at all. Make sure to stay up to date on your smears. They will catch any changes and can get rid of the cells if they do change at all.