View Full Version : PVCs left for 2 weeks now back

30-05-21, 16:24
I started a healthy diet and my pvc's disappeared for 2 weeks. Fell off the healthy diet and bang they are back after a few days of poor eating. I had an echo and halter last month which were normal so I know these are benign. BUT I cannot just be okay when they happen. That being said they are clearly food induced BUT I also believe stress related as well. I guess I believe stress and food do something to my stomach that is triggering them let it be acid or inflammation. My doctors dont seem to offer much helpful theories. Google offers me vagus nerve, etc. Has anyone had their doctor address stomach and pvcs? And the obvious is eating healthy but is there anything else I can do?

30-05-21, 16:27
I started a healthy diet and my pvc's disappeared for 2 weeks. Fell off the healthy diet and bang they are back after a few days of poor eating. ....the obvious is eating healthy...

That about says it all :whistles:

Positive thoughts

30-05-21, 17:19
Did you read the replies you got last time.....


May help.

30-05-21, 17:50
........Thanks Nicola, saves me typing the same reply again. Yes, stomach/food link is absolutely a known one, its commented on all over the place and as I said on my other thread - with a full stomach I get them even without indigestion.

30-05-21, 18:40
Considering your Vagus nerve is responsible for things like digestion, heart rate and respiratory rate it is possible.

I’m sure you already know everything they tell you to stay away from but if the eating better helped you maybe go back to however you were eating? A lot of times there is no rhyme or reason, they come and go. Have you tried a magnesium supplement? Lots of people have success with that and keeping their potassium levels good. I wouldn’t suggest taking a potassium supplement though unless you have had your potassium levels checked and your doctor suggests it but you can just eat a banana a day to keep your levels up if there are no contradictions, that’s what I do.

31-05-21, 12:02
I find magnesium hurts my stomach. So I just purchased magnesium oil online.