View Full Version : Got more worries again

11-11-07, 01:26
Over the last week I have had some more worries that have been stressing me out. For months since my anxiety got worse my memory has been bad I seem to forget things or my mind goes blank and I find it hard to concentrate at work and stuff..anybody else get this? I'm also worried that I have IBS or something because I have had to go to the toilet quite often in a day has anybody else had these worries with anxiety? I have had a look in the search but never found much.

11-11-07, 01:48
i have definaltey had the mind blank and bad memory. its horrible. sorry i have no advice to offer on that one. but am glad someone else gets the same thing! sometimes i just feel so stupid with it. all the best xxx

11-11-07, 15:36
I definately go blank especially when talking to someone I lose it sometimes and can't think what I was talking about. This is difficult sometimes as I teach adults, I just say I will be back with you in a moment and laugh it off.:blush:

11-11-07, 17:35
Hi Phil

This is from the symptoms section on the left hand side of this page..hope it helps hun.

Having difficulty concentrating, repetitive thinking or incessant 'mind chatter'

What you feel:

Normal tasks seem hard to focus on, or that your concentration is a lot shorter now than before. You may also start something, and uncharacteristically forget what you were doing soon after. You may also have difficulty remembering where you placed things, who you just called, or what you were looking for or thinking about.
Your mind is racing all the time, and it never stops its chatter. Even when you are trying to relax your mind is going a million miles and hour. Sometimes songs will pop up that you can’t get out or your mind, and you sing them all day long.
What causes this:

High stress biology and an over stimulated nervous system will often cause us to think rapidly and incessantly. Many refer to it as ‘unceasing mind chatter’. It’s this fast paced unfocused thought generation that impairs the memory and concentration. Since high stress biology produces natural stimulants, these continual doses of stimulants make it difficult to focus because the body and mind are so agitated. As the stress biology and nervous system calm down, normal thinking patterns re-establish and this symptom subsides.
However, as long as the stress biology and nervous system are over active, individuals will continue to experience this condition. It will come and go and most often depends upon how the body is reacting at that time.
Another consideration is that for those who have been experiencing anxiety disorder for some time, may have established a mental habit of internal focus. This is where they become so focused on their ill health that they are easily distracted by it and the pursuit to regain their normal health that they quickly lose interest in what they are doing and refocus their minds back on their problem. This action can be so automatic that the individual may not even realize that that’s what they are doing.
Unfortunately, when this symptom appears, many become frightened by and think that they may be losing their mind or experiencing a serious mental illness. This adds more stress biology which only prolongs the symptom. When this symptom appears, try not to react with fear, but remember that it is only a symptom, and that it is telling you that you need to rest the nervous system so that you can regain your concentration ability. Once you have sufficiently rested your nervous system, your concentration will return to normal.