View Full Version : First bad nosebleed in years

30-05-21, 22:35
Last night I made the mistake of picking my nose a bit too hard and then it started bleeding. Absolutely gushing, all over my clothes, the sink, the floor etc. Could taste it going down my throat. Heaviest nosebleed I've probably ever had but managed to stop the gushing and flowing out my nose within 20 mins and thought nothing of it until today when I woke up, I felt like my nose was running but nothing was coming out my nostril but when I lightly put a cotton bud inside, there was some bleeding. Sometimes just bright red and sometimes mixed with mucus. It's been like this for 24 hours after my nosebleed. I've noticed it's worse after I bend down or stand up but it still never bleeds out my nostril, just blood if I lightly put a cotton bud inside. I know I shouldn't do that but omg it's so itchy and thought that would be better than my finger at least.

Anyone else experienced this after a bad nosebleed? I feel so silly for being anxious over this when it was self inflicted in a way but my nerves are shot recently. Just been one thing after another :(

31-05-21, 22:49
Yes, just DON'T PUT a cottonbud inside!!!!!

12-06-21, 21:54
I'm currently having problems like this. I put it down to wearing a mask all day due to covid. Don't put a cotton bud inside your nose and try and keep your nasal canal moist to stop the bloody mucus.