View Full Version : hyper aware of illness

31-05-21, 10:31
Just a question... when you are going through an episode does anyone else seem to have articles and headlines for what you are obsessing over jump out at you?

im currently going through a bowel/stomach cancer scare and every second story or news item is all about this and how you can never be to young. I always think is it because I’m aware but at the time I always think, is it a sign? Sending everyone good vibes x

31-05-21, 11:17
I have exactly this. So at the moment I keep worrying about spinal issues and I’m seeing it everywhere ��.
I always think ‘is it a sign’ and I get worried. I think that’s a form of magical thinking which is common with anxiety.
I guess it’s the same as when you get a new car and then start seeing them everywhere. We are just more aware of something that normally we wouldn’t take any notice of. At least that’s what I’m telling myself anyway �� xx

31-05-21, 14:19
This is actually called the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. It’s simply a frequency or selective attention bias your brain performs when you either acquire new information or become aware of something new. In your case you have become aware of bowel/stomach cancer so your brain reinforces that awareness by noticing everything related to that cancer. It is definitely not a sign of anything, just your powerful brain going through the motions.

Best Wishes

31-05-21, 14:33

31-05-21, 15:19
I can relate...been through this a number of times, especially in the past year or so. Still not fully out of an episode I had earlier this year but at least I have stopped googling stuff but the issue I was worrying about is still on my mind.

01-06-21, 20:16
ALWAYS! It's the craziest thing that can further drive our anxieties.

04-06-21, 10:14
Oh wow that’s really interesting! Thank you for adding this, super helpful. Wasn’t sure which it was more like the which came first the chicken or the egg,lol.