View Full Version : Worried about dermatologist appointment

31-05-21, 14:03
Hello everyone,

it's been a while since I posted, and my Health Anxiety was very low there for a while. A few days ago I started thinking about how long it has been since I last went to the dermatologist. It think it was over 5 years ago. At that time I have had 3 moles removed (not because they were worrisome, but because they were annoying.) They did biopsies anyway, as they always due, and came back clean (as far as I can remember, but I think I would if there was something out of the ordinary.)

Anyway, I checked the moles that I do have (I have several), and some of them look atypical, which is not "bad" in and of itself, I know. For some, however, I can't recall if they changed or even if they were there before. (I should really regularly take pictures.) Then I did what one shouldn't do. Yep, you guessed it, I went online. :weep: First, I was kind of relieved, seeing pictures resembling my "atypical" ones and the word "benign" below. I should've stopped there, but I read on. Especially about conditions like Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome and FAMMM (which I guess are the same... or very similar.) It says that people with many moles (>50 or >100, depending on the source), one or more atypical moles and a family history of melanoma are at high risk to develop melanoma themselves. I think fulfill 2 of those three conditions (there's no family history of melanoma or other forms of skin cancer in my family. At least not as far as I know.) Some sources say that it can sometimes develop sporadically. Even the melanoma risk would in itself be not "as bad", considering that apparently people with that condition are at a higher risk for pancreatic cancer (which scares the hell out of me!)

I don't know if I have 50 or more moles, as I don't really get what kinds are taken into account. On my arms I have several (maybe 20 total), very small (max. 2 - 3mm) and flat. On my belly I have a few larger ones (the largest around 12cm, but that has been there forever, and never raised a concern for the doctor, the others 5 to 8mm) and a few small ones. All flat, except one. Back is about the same. Then there's the head, there I have 4 raised ones (been there for a long time, but I can't remember if they have always been there.) Then a few here and there on the legs. Roughly counting, the total is over 50. On the other hand, looking at pictures of people with the condition mentioned above, they seem (at first glance) to have a lot more moles than I.

I am being this detailed because I hope someone here also has a moderately high number of moles, and can somehow calm me down a bit. :( My appointment is in a week, and I'm a quite nervous about it.


01-06-21, 14:39
Just went through this last week. Doctor was thorough and checked everything with a special light. Took a picture of a few for reference. Also took a biopsy of one. That's the one that scared me but she said, it's so early that even if it were something we'll just take it out.

I was terrified before the appointment and completely calm after. Don't sweat it too much.

02-06-21, 08:13
Thanks so much for your reply. I know I will be more calm once I had the appointment. Thankfully, it's only a few more days until then. I think I will also immediately make an appointment for next year, so that I won't forget (or have excuses "to forget") to have my check up. And I want to have some moles removed anyway (on my head/scalp, very annoying, especially at the hairdresser), but apparently it's better to have that done in autumn (unless it's urgent) because that leaves less of a scar (less sun exposure she told me the last time I had moles removed.) Which is good: that way I can ask her to look over the ones that worry me again in a few months. Sneaky, eh? :)

07-06-21, 11:09
Just a quick update: I'm back from the appointment. She checked all my moles, and they are all fine. She'll remove two on my head (shave excision) on my request (because they annoy me) in about a month.

07-06-21, 11:10
That's great, congratulations!

07-06-21, 14:07
Good news!