View Full Version : feeling of weakness on my right arm and leg...help!

01-06-21, 11:27
I haven't posted here in a while as anxiety has been at bay, but I am really freaking out. A few days ago I went out for some drinks, and woke up the next morning with a tingly/numb hand (the feeling of sleeping on it). I think because I was a bit intoxicated, my body didn't wake me up as it usually would so I may have been lying on my arm in a weird position for longer than usual...I shook it and feeling returned in a few mins as usual, however when I was working on the computer for the next few hours my hand was pretty shaky. That went away after a few hours, but ever since that day (it has been about 4 days now) I am still struggling with a weakness/tremor in my right hand, as well as the leg! I understand I was laying on my hand so the tremor makes sense, but it worries me that I feel the weakness across the entire right side of my body. Every time I walk I have an uncomfortable weakness sensation throughout my right leg, and the same when I try use my right arm/hand. I workout and I'm able to do everything normally strength wise, but the whole time I just feel some weird sensation in my right hand and leg and it is really getting to me. If I hold my right arm out in front of me, the hand shakes slightly (my left hand doesn't at all).

Does it seem like I pinched some nerve that affects both hand and leg when I was sleeping, or is it something going on with my brain as one sided things can be! I worry about my brain alot because I get migraine auras (so always panicking about stroke), so I'm very nervous because it's so hard to ignore - I'm always feeling this uncomfortable sensation when I lift up my hand to grab something or walk around the house because of my leg feeling the same way.

I definitely think I slept on my hand with the way that I woke up and it was tingly and shaky, but I don't understand why I still haven't gone back to normal and why my leg is affected too!
How long is something like this going to last?

I am really freaking out...

01-06-21, 12:43
If I try to explain the feeling, it's almost as if I can feel every bit of lactic acid in my muscles on that side (so in my right arm and leg)...its just this weird, hypersensitive, weak-y, fatigued lactic acid feeling. I really don't know how else to explain it

I'm having scary thoughts like, maybe I didn't actually sleep on my hand, and I suffered a stroke in my sleep instead. And this is the aftermath. Really freaking out here!

01-06-21, 14:36
This isn’t the first time you have worried about a stroke? Is it possible that you are being hyper aware? Maybe you did sleep badly but excessive focus on the sensations has lead to it becoming something much larger in your mind?

23-07-21, 10:36
Hi Dimdim did u find a relief? I have the same issue? it’s really weird and scary