View Full Version : Blood in toilet paper after wiping

01-06-21, 12:30
Hello. This morning I went to the toilet to poop. The funny part is that a delivery man knocked on my apartment’s door so I had to finish my business and flush down the poop (I didn’t take time to see the poop) to attend to him.

The gross part is that I wasn’t able to wipe immediately so it took me around another 5 to 10 mins to wipe my bottom with tissue paper after I transacted with the delivery man.

When I did, I noticed a small speck of dark red (almost maroon) blood on it. I wiped a couple more times and there were still some bloody specks although even smaller this time.

I am worried because of the color. I had blood on my tissue paper before but it was bright red and just thought of anal tears or haemorrhoids. I read that if it is darker it might be serious. But then again it took me another 5 to 10 mins before I wiped because of the delivery man who I had to attend to.

Right now, I am anxious of going back to the toilet because I feel that I will obsess over the toilet paper or my stool.

I am scared I might have cancer or anything more serious. I am hoping that it could be just harmless hemorrhoids, skin irritation, or anal tear but my anxiety is killing me. :(

01-06-21, 20:13
So, I get a lot of hemorrhoids, and usually when I aggravate them with either constipation/diarrhea/an abnormally large movement, they will bleed red and will hurt (dull pain). When I had an anal fissure, the pain was excruciating, and every time I pooped it felt like I was pooping glass or knives. There was by far more blood with the anal fissure too, as in completely soaked the tp.

As far as I am aware, you should be (slightly) worried about blood in your stool if you don't have hemorrhoid/anal fissure pain associated with it, and if it is a larger amount of blood. One video I watched of someone diagnosed with Colon Cancer said that they were literally farting blood at times.

Like you said, it could be an upper GI bleed from something unrelated to cancer, like an ulcer​ (which won't kill you). If this bleeding continues, I would see a doctor to get checked out.

02-06-21, 01:32
Thank you for your response. I don't feel any pain when I poop. It's only those rare circumstances when I feel constipated and I find it hard to pass.

Anyway, I had a poop again just now and my stool was perfectly the normal and usual shape. It was predominantly brown and I flushed it. But after flushing it, I started obssessing of its different shades and I don't know if my mind was just letting me go haywire, but I thought I was seeing different shades of brown/green (had salad last night) that could pass as red strokes. But then again, I don't know it could be all in my head. I wiped gently with tissue paper and there was no blood.

Ugh I can't stop thinking.

08-06-21, 22:34
If the bleeding continues, definitely get it checked out. However, in my experience of researching cancer being a HA sufferer (I'm not a doc), if you wipe and the blood is bright red, it is more likely to have come from just inside your anus (caused by a fissure or a hemorrhoid).

If you feel pain in and around your rectum, or you experience itchiness, or sharp pains - this would indicate fissures or hemorrhoids. But, definitely get it checked out if it continues. It's very unlikely to be anything serious, though.

09-06-21, 08:53
I think I had a fissure and there was blood on the loo paper and a bit on ma poo. @rse was itchy as hell.

Bright red blood means it's come from lower in the colon/rectum so Farmer Giles/fissures the most likely cause. I'm still on the massively long list for a colonoscopy for another issue that's now cleared up but I decided to wait to see what was what when I eventually get the appointment through but I think I might ask the consultant if he will change it to Sigmoid and give my 'tea-towel holder' and rectum a good looking over. I did ask my GP if she would be willing to snap on the old latex gloveroos and give me a prodding but I think they rather like not seeing patients in person now - can't get near an actual GP! :lac:

Hubs bleeds loads with his piles. Looks like Freddie Kruger's used the loo after he's been in. :ohmy: