View Full Version : Hyperaware of the position of my tongue. Has anyone experienced this?

01-06-21, 21:51
I’ve experienced hyperawareness of things like my breathing before, but this is a new one. Starting yesterday, I’ve been having a hard time not thinking about the position of my tongue in my mouth. It almost feels like my tongue is swollen or my jaw’s alignment was altered, but my tongue looks normal when I look in the mirror and I’m pretty sure my jw is fine. Has anyone experienced anything like this?

01-06-21, 21:57
Yup it is anxiety

04-06-21, 07:57
I am going through this exact same thing now, after a while your tounge will start rubbing again your teeth. Mine has been going on about 3 months now

06-06-21, 21:40
OMG, I'm not the only one with this!
Yeah, I've been having the feeling like my tongue is swollen and having the tongue rub against my teeth problems almost the entire year

07-06-21, 04:48
Yeah, I've been there. When I was worried that I had undiagnosed hypothyroidism, I convinced myself I had a swollen tongue, which is one of the potential symptoms. I do not in fact have hypothyroidism. Got my hormone levels checked and they are well within normal range. I know my jaw is smaller than average, so that is probably why my tongue feels "large", when I care to notice it.

07-09-23, 17:11
You guys still have this?

I started noticing this a couple of days ago and it's really annoying. It's like the feeling that my tongue is swollen (even though it was always quite large), and I can feel the tongue touching my teeth.
Very strange and uncomfortable.

27-09-23, 04:19
Yup. I’m lying in bed with it right now. It’s uncomfortable and distracting.

29-09-23, 06:36
Yes happened to me before and as I read this made it come back

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