View Full Version : Flashes of light with sound

02-06-21, 09:01
Hi, first time posting but have used the forum a lot before and it’s been extremely useful to me, so thanks, and hello!
im posting as I can’t really find any info that’s useful on the net (not that I should be looking) about what’s going on.
Basically, in the evening, (occasionally in the day but hard to tell) usually when lying in bed reading I see an occasionally flash of light in the periphery of my right eye. The thing is though that it usually happens when I hear a sudden sound, such as a light switch or the freezer starting up. I was assuming it was just coincidence and thought it was my wife just turning the hall light on, but it definitely seems to be triggered, one or the other’ by a sound.
ive been to the optician twice who frankly was dismissive (clearly wanted to go home each time) and didn’t really say anything. I have an appointment for an octomap 3D scan on Thursday to check the retina, but I can’t shake the worry about it being linked with sound.
I do have floaters but always have. Also I’ve had decades of weekly and very intense tension headaches (on the right) plus I’ve been immensely stressed of late.
the other thing is that I have a feeling, but can’t be sure,that this has coincided with my COVID jab. Which might just be me being silly.
any thoughts or similar would be appreciated. Please bear in mind that my already rampant health anxiety is on a hair trigger!
thanks all.

02-06-21, 13:42
Hi, I'm not an eye expert but this rings a vague bell with me, think I read about it years ago. (Link with sounds)
I don't think it's anything to worry about if they can't find anything wrong. ANY symptoms we notice at a time when we are immenssly stressed are highly likely to be associated with the stress.

I get all kinds of eye symptoms when I'm at my worst - I've reframed it as thinking. "Great! My body is letting me know I am really stressed!"
I've just had cataract surgeries so I've been 'watching' my eyes and believe me there are LOTS of symptoms when you really start looking! ;)

Trick for me is to have a stern word and tell myself to believe the optoms...

02-06-21, 14:01
Hi, thanks for replying. Appreciate it.
you’re probably right. I think I’d have rested slightly easier if my optician hadn’t clearly been rushing. Went twice and he barely listened. ‘I can’t check properly as I’d need to dilate your eyes and I haven’t time’.
etc etc.
Off to private clinic tomorrow which I can’t afford really, but I have to have someone take a good hard look. If it wasn’t (possibly) linked to sound I would probably chill out a bit but scaring myself silly with thoughts of something neurological. I know everyone’s eyesight is super important, I make my living as a painter and the thought of vision problems...well.
it would perhaps help if I stopped googling but that’s absurd levels of health anxiety mixed with autism does for you.