View Full Version : Worried about bladder or kidney cancer

05-06-21, 09:20
Hello. I’m 22 male. And I noticed for the past few days my urine was cloudy. I also noticed a red like sand that set at the bottom after I urinated. I went to the doctor and explained I had on and off burning. Not every time. He did a urine test and the results were normal except the blood. He said there was microscopic blood. He said there was trace amounts. It also mentions on the test results the urine was cloudy. He said it could be a uti or a kidney or bladder stone. He gave me antibiotics but wouldn’t he have found a uti during the urinalysis?? So me being the idiot I am I looked up when blood could mean and It says kidney or bladder cancer. He wants me to follow up in a week with my family doctor and possibly see if I can go to a urologist. I’m completely panicking I have one of those cancers and I don’t know what to do. 😭😭😭

05-06-21, 21:08
It is highly unlikely but you looked for the worst case scenario

05-06-21, 21:14
I wish I hadn’t looked it up. I’m just worried cause it said blood in urine is never normal

05-06-21, 22:50
So I just got my results back for the urine culture. It said no growth meaning no infection. So now I’m even more worried. My Urine is still cloudy.

05-06-21, 23:23
I always have blood in urine and I dont have cancer - so whichever site you read is wrong.

05-06-21, 23:30
How common is trace blood in urine with a normal urine culture? I forgot the website but it said that it can mean bladder cancer because blood is not a normal finding in urine.

05-06-21, 23:37
It is normal and common but if you are worried then see doctor

05-06-21, 23:40
I scheduled a urologist appointment in a few weeks. It’s just I hate having to wait thinking it might be cancer. From what I heard that cancer is rare in young people but it still has me worried if I may be an exception.

06-06-21, 12:01
If anybody else has any reassurance I could really use it.

06-06-21, 12:45
We have loads of posts about blood in urine so have a search. Not one of them has been cancer,

08-06-21, 22:26
Bladder and kidney cancer in a 22 year old is very very rare. Where I live (in the UK), according to Cancer Research UK, there were 0 cases of bladder cancer in your age group between 2015 and 2017.

Kidney cancer? There were less than 5 cases and 0 cases which resulted in fatality between 2015 and 2017 (ie. The patient is currently still alive after being diagnosed, or the patient has been cured of the disease). I know that you live in the States and statistics will be slightly different, but the incidence rates of cancer in the US are very similar to the UK in my experience of researching cancer.