View Full Version : Drugs and chemicals phobia making life SO difficult

06-06-21, 01:16
So like most people on here I life to get checkups frequently haha and sometimes I get prescribed minor drugs, like ibuprophen or something for a cough. Maybe an antibiotic or topical cream for my eczema. And I used to be happy with trying that stuff out, but lately my fear of chemicals and drugs has developed into a very severe phobia where I'm not able to take even a quarter aspirin without going berserk with fear and anxiety. I think this might come from my mom, who was always very hesitant to take medicines saying natural stuff is healthier for you and citing potential side effects. My phobia has far surpassed hers by this point though. I can barely even look at a drug LoL. I have otitis right now and have no idea what I'm going to do :shrug:

Anyone else with this phobia?

06-06-21, 16:19
Yes...I have something similar...I’ll take some meds (like my rx for migraines) but others I am leery of. I also have trust issues with doctors and some other things relating to medicine.

06-06-21, 18:37
Yes, me. Mine was certainly not from my mother, or family, as they took/take anything and everything. Nobody else in the family has my issue. My feeling is its a mixture of contamination OCD (or something like it) and phobia of anaphylaxis/side effects and HA all rolled into one.

06-06-21, 19:47
Yes, me. Mine was certainly not from my mother, or family, as they took/take anything and everything. Nobody else in the family has my issue. My feeling is its a mixture of contamination OCD (or something like it) and phobia of anaphylaxis/side effects and HA all rolled into one.

All the more credit to you for your recent achievements, Carys

06-06-21, 20:27
Thanks P ! It is my ultimate nightmare 'something being injected', and took a lot of working through (as you know). LOL

06-06-21, 20:50
You had such terrible circumstances to work through and conquer as well..Much easier to bale out but you didn't and that takes huge courage!!