View Full Version : I'm struggling, and pretty scared.

07-06-21, 11:32

For a long time I've been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. However, they've recently got much, much worse. Each attack is intense, I'm filled with dread, I disassociate from reality, I keep thinking that I'll lose my mind and do something awful. I'm very scared.

A few days ago, I phoned my doctor, and he's given me a month's worth of 50mg Sertraline and, for the first week, 2mg of Diazepam. I'm currently on day four. The first three days were relatively calm, despite having a very distant feeling. However, this morning I had one of the worst panic attacks I've ever had. I don't know whether to believe that it's just to be expected in the first week of taking Sertraline, or whether SSRIs just make my panic attacks worse (I'd taken Citalopram for a while, and often took more than I was told to, which might have done damage I don't know).

I also suffer from rather bad headaches and have had tingles/loss of sensation. I went a while with the entire left-side of my face very tingly and almost numb. I don't know whether this is from the panic attacks, or whether it's neurological... At least I've had an MRI for that, so that's something.

Can anyone please tell me if this is normal, and what I should do?

Thank you


07-06-21, 16:27
Remember, it will take the Sertraline some time to kick in...6-8 weeks for full effects. So don't feel like one panic attack is a complete setback. In fact, the first week or two when you start a new AD, and your body adjusts, you may get some panic. That's what the Diazepam is for. Take one. They're meant to help for that break-through panic.

The tingles/loss of sensation is very common with panic attacks. I went to the ER once because after a panic attack I had a tingly left arm and thought I was having a heart attack. They said, "Nope, panic, get your ass on some medication." And I did, and it's been so much better.

My other recommendation is that you talk to someone or go to therapy about what triggered these latest episodes, because the meds just slow down the thoughts and help more with the physical symptoms... But therapy helps with the triggers.

Another recommendation is to post in the med forum when discussion medication, as there are those there that will give you med-specific advice.

Hang in there!