View Full Version : Migraine Aura and stroke risk

07-06-21, 16:55
Hi. When i get a migraine i always get an aura. How do people live with the fact that this increases your risk of stroke??? it freaks me out so much i don't know how to stop obsessing and googling and feeling anxious about when i will get the next aura and whether it will turn into a stroke. I try to be healthier, through getting my steps in, and maintaining a decent weight. However, its a consuming fear, all the stuff in the press re COVID vaccine and blood clots haven't helped cus now im freaking out that that also puts me more at risk. I don't know how to relax about it. I don't know anyone else that gets migraine auras as frequently as me. I just want them to go away.

Migraine websites always advise you should be aware of your stroke risk and look out for signs. This just freaks me out more. Every time I have a migraine i convince myself its a mini stroke. I have been having them since i was 19. I am now 25.

07-06-21, 17:14
In the past, I've sometimes had two or even three auras in a day, and certainly three or four in a werk. They terrified me, although I was mostly worried about brain tumours.

The truth is, while aura may increase stroke risk a little, it's a small increase in a risk that in itself is very small for a healthy person your age. If you're on hormonal birth control AND you smoke, then maybe it's worth worrying about, but only a little bit.

Auras are scary but pretty much harmless; I know it's tough but worrying about them won't do any good and might make things worse.

08-06-21, 05:56
I've always suffered from migraines and only last week I had the worst migraine ever with and it was my first time with aura, it was so scary I couldn't speak or anything, I legit thought brain tumour or stroke or something but I had an MRI and it was literally just a migraine. The Dr said he could tell by the scan it was just an aura. The Dr told me people with migraines are slightly more likely to have strokes but the risks are negligible compared to other causes e.g. smoking, drinking, obesity, lack of exercise. He basically said if you're healthy it's almost impossible for migraines to increase your risk of stroke :)

08-06-21, 06:02
But I do know where you're coming from and aura's can be scary but it doesn't mean you're gonna die any time soon. And try not to Google because it will come up with all sorts of random information and studies. I know it's easier said than done and it's so hard not to worry. Feel free to message me if you want :) x x