View Full Version : anxiety & panic attacks

11-11-07, 17:34
Im new to this and just wanted to introduce myself, I started having panic attacks about 3 months ago, it all started after a really close friend died after suffering 2 heart attacks.

I managed to eventually get my head around the fact that they were panic attacks and not me suffering from heart problems and about to die.

But the problems I have now are the constant symptoms of panic but not actually having a panic attack, is this normal??

It starts as soon as I get up in the morning I feel really anxious and a huge pressure in the middle of my chest,I also get a constant feeling of my heart pounding although its not racing Im just horribly aware of it, This normally happens as soon as I sit down to relax or go to bed.

The other problem is the constant shooting pains in my chest and around my breast bone on the left side. I have had all the medical tests ie ecg and bloods and I know everything is healthy. But as soon as I get any symptoms my thoughts turn straight to what health problems could be causing them.
I feel if i could just get rid of these symptoms I would be able to get through this, but at the moment they are controlling my life,
Can anyone offer help or advice



11-11-07, 17:38
Hi Sufos

Welcome to NMP,its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)

Make sure you check out the Symptoms, How to Cope and First Step pages also the are situated at the left hand side of this page.:)


11-11-07, 17:43
Hi Sufos

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

I would start by reading all the website pages on the left for loads of advice and an explanation of the symptoms etc.

Hope we can be of some help.

11-11-07, 17:45
Thanks, I am reading all the information now, it seems really helpful


11-11-07, 19:20
Hello sufos:welcome:to you!

It does sound as though these are anxiety symptoms - I know mornings can be particularly bad.

You'll get plenty of help and support here, sounds as though you already are!

Pleased to meet you!


11-11-07, 21:42
Hello Sufos And Welcome To The Site..... Wish You Well....linda

12-11-07, 01:39
Very sorry to hear of your loss.

Welcome to the site :)

12-11-07, 08:06
Hi Sufos,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

12-11-07, 10:47
Hi Sufos

Welcome to the site and as everyone has said you will find loads of suprt and help here..

I can totally relate to what you say...when i wake up in the morning i feel terribly Anxious, my stomach churns, my heart pounds and i feel sick, cant eat, pains,etc it just goes on and on...just like you say its having constant symptoms of panic but not actually having a panic attack....Its so horrible, but it does get better sufos, you have to fight it..

Feel free to get in touch if you want to chat :D

Take care


13-11-07, 17:27
Hi Sufos and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I can feel anxious for no apparent reason so know exactly how you feel.

Take care,

Mike :)

Pink Princess
15-11-07, 08:35
hi sufos


take kare xxxxx