View Full Version : Fear of heart attack

11-11-07, 18:00
started having panic attacks about 3 months ago, it all started after a really close friend died after suffering 2 heart attacks.

I managed to eventually get my head around the fact that they were panic attacks and it seemed to get better.

But the problems I have now are the constant symptoms of panic but not actually having a panic attack, is this normal??

It starts as soon as I get up in the morning I feel really anxious and a huge pressure in the middle of my chest,I also get a constant feeling of my heart pounding although its not racing Im just horribly aware of it, This normally happens as soon as I sit down to relax or go to bed.

The other problem is the constant shooting pains in my chest and around my breast bone on the left side. I have had all the medical tests ie ecg and bloods and I know everything is healthy. But as soon as I get any symptoms my thoughts turn straight to what health problems could be causing them.
I feel if i could just get rid of these symptoms I would be able to get through this, but at the moment they are controlling my life,
Can anyone offer help or advice


11-11-07, 21:00
My heart is my biggest fear. My dad died at 40 from a heart attack and since then I have had horrible anxiety relating to my heart. Anytime I am anxious I have chest pains as well. Sometimes I have day after day of the pain and anxiety. It is not a nice experience at all. Are you taking meds for the anxiety? I am sure if you can start to get a bit of control on the anxiety things will get alittle better day to day

12-11-07, 05:10
Have you tried some relaxation techniques? This might help. I know what you mean about it all starting as soon as you relax or go to bed, this happens to me too. What about something to keep your mind occupied as you go off to sleep? A visualisation maybe?
Hope this helps.

12-11-07, 07:17
I am very sorry to hear about your friend. It is no wonder you are feeling anxious.
Have you told your doctor about your friend? Maybe if you explain your situation you may be able to have some counselling??

12-11-07, 09:10
Thanks for your replies,
The doctor gave me beta blockers which are helping, I have just received a letter regarding counselling in december so hopefully that will help.
My doctor has been really supportive and has helped loads, I have started to listen to the radio at nights in bed and really concentrating and it does seem to be helping. I just wish I could retrain my mind not to automatically think heart attack every time I get a twinge.
But this is the second time I have had a friend die from a heart attack in 4 years so I am not suprised at what is happening. We never got counseling then so everything has probably come to a head now

Thanks for your advice, I do deep down know that this will get better eventually


12-11-07, 16:02
Hello !

Panic is a learned reaction that goes into overdrive. It takes 30 days to learn a new habit, but what can be learned can be UNlearned - to train your mind not to be tricked into panic. So regular relaxation time and positive affirmations will all help.
Be kind to youself