View Full Version : Left eye freaking me out

11-11-07, 18:03
Since this afternoon my left eye has been freaking me out. I am trying to convince myself that I can see things which are not there! I am sure it's eye strain but you know when you panice logical thoughts like that don't really cross ur mind now do they!

I have been very stressed out with work the last couple of days, been training someone on top of everything which is making like a living hell because the guys first language is not english so I am battling a bit more than normal. Or maybe I am dehidrated.

I don't know, all I do know it that it feels noticable to me, I cant physically see anything wrong, no floating things other than the norm. Though I had to admit it is a bit sore...I wish I could just make my brain think more rationally instead of freaking out big time thinking I have a brain tumour!!!

anybody else get eye problems with then stressed?

I think I can see like white flecks now and again but it could just be because I am panicing like spots type thing....I seriously hope nothing is wrong, I am in panic overdrive

11-11-07, 19:17
I am very very short sighted and so I see everything that is going on in my eyes which is not a good thing for a panicker!! I know that a change in pressure in your eye even a tiny one can cause little pin pricks of light - I have had this on and off all my life and was told this by eye consultant. Or sometimes floaters can look like see through strands etc etc .

The time to panic is if you lose part of your vision or get tunnel vision or sudden rush of black spots down vision, Otherwise leave it a day or two and if still bothering you go and get an eye test for your piece of mind.

11-11-07, 20:57
I agree with countrygirl. I see flashes of light quite often and my doctor and the neurologist said that eye symptoms can be a huge part of anxiety. It sounds like stress or strain.
Hope it goes away soon

11-11-07, 21:28
I would ask your Dr for a thyroid test eye problems are very common with Hypothyroidism

12-11-07, 08:24
Thank you for your responses, it has eased my panic somewhat. It feels like a bit of eye strain. There is no rush of blackness or anything like that, just feels like one eye is strained more then the other it's also a bit blurry but it's my weaker eye, I know that much.

I took some stuff to sleep last night and it feels very much the same so I am leaning towards the stress side. Thankfully I am off next week for a break.

12-11-07, 09:01
Hi Janie,

I too have problems with eye pain. Mine is usually my left eye. I have pain around eyebrow and eye and after diagnosing a brain tumour I now try and convince myself its sinus trouble. You have a relaxing week off and I'm glad your leaning more towards the stress way of thinking hun well done you :hugs: xxx