View Full Version : massive attack watching euros CPR

12-06-21, 19:41
thankfully erikson is stable but wow a massive panic attack when he collapsed and had cpr on the pitch, hate times like this, but for once im not worried about me, my thoughts and prayers are with eriksons family

12-06-21, 20:46
It's good to hear that he is stable and now in hospital. Thank goodness it happened when emergency aid was instantly available.

12-06-21, 22:12
My sentiments exactly. It was an awful occurrence but is looking like he'll be ok. I know its a cliche, but this kind of event does demonstrate what is important and what is just noise.

13-06-21, 07:21
It was shocking for sure, but there was no HA triggering for me and I'm really pleased about that because a few years ago I'd have spiralled watching that! I struggled massively when Phil Hughes (cricket) was struck on the neck and he hit the floor!

Re Eriksen, what stayed with me was how the players protectively encircled him and how all fans - regardless of which country they supported - chanted his name. These were beautiful acts of humanity, and it proves to me, yet again, that when the shit hits the fan, it's love that matters.

In terms of putting things into perspective, I'd been so cross with myself because I'd spent weeks knitting a blanket for my granddaughter and I wrecked it by tumble-drying the buggering thing (didn't check the instructions :whistles:) but then I saw what happened to Eriksen and it immediately put that non-issue into perspective. It's a blanket. I can knit another one. It doesn't matter. Life matters.

Good to hear he's doing OK, and the excellent care he received on the pitch will have made the difference...

13-06-21, 15:05
100% agree Nora B. i had calmed down alot by the time they announced he was ok, praise goes to all the players for protecting him the best they could, i had to work last night too which i suppose took my mind of it , just shows you how are brains get programmed on symptoms so much, then you see in reality how quick without warning this happens

13-06-21, 19:16
It's good if you can think of the afflicted person and his family first rather than yourself and the chances of this happening to you etc etc etc.

The fact is that if this were to happen to you, you wouldn't know anything about it anyway.

Good to know that he is still stable. Without a defibrillator on hand for emergency use he wouldn't have been.

14-06-21, 07:55
The fact is that if this were to happen to you, you wouldn't know anything about it anyway.

That's a very important point Pulisa..

While it was shocking for people to see, Eriksen wouldn't have been aware of anything while he was unconscious. I haven't had a cardiac arrest but I have lost consciousness and I wasn't aware of anything until I came around.

It's a totally different perspective from those who are observing to the person who is experiencing the 'event'..

14-06-21, 14:20
I have utterly spiralled since witnessing this on Saturday....I am so pleased he is OK but I genuinely feel traumatised I cant stop thinking about him/the incident and my heart

14-06-21, 19:05
The footballer having a heart attack on the pitch has no influence on your own heart. Do you know how ludicrous is it to think like that? I'm not being harsh, honest, I've been there after that African guy died on the pitch. I'm sure he played for Chelsea. But I look back at this experience and what I learned from it is this ... just because somebody has a heart attack, or has Cancer or w/e has absolute no relevance or significance on your own health.

I know my advice may not seem helpful, but you'll look back on this and agree at some point in the future :p

15-06-21, 07:53
The footballer having a heart attack on the pitch has no influence on your own heart.

Technically, he didn't have a heart attack; he had a cardiac arrest (electrical). The two are not the same.

Had he have had a heart attack, they would have found an obvious cause - some kind of blockage. Sudden cardiac arrest is an electrical issue. Heart attack is a 'plumbing' issue.

Do you know how ludicrous is it to think like that?

Of course it's ludicrous, but rationality goes out the window with health anxiety James. I can totally understand how Eriksen's cardiac arrest would have sent so many HAers spiralling. I would have done myself a few years ago.. It just goes to show how we can make ourselves better if we put the effort in, right?

15-06-21, 11:13
Fabrice Muamba, that was him. That one threw me off so I can completely understand how people are feeling. Hindsight is always 20/20.

But yes you're right, with some effort we can make ourselves better.

I didn't know cardiac arrest and heart attack were actually different. Thanks for that! So this chap he had a cardiac arrest, and Fabrice had the heart attack? Is sudden death cardiac arrest too?

16-06-21, 10:03
So this chap he had a cardiac arrest, and Fabrice had the heart attack? Is sudden death cardiac arrest too?

No, they both had cardiac arrests.

Heart attack usually means there's heart disease - something clogging up the pipes etc. Sudden cardiac arrest (in an otherwise healthy heart) is to do with the 'electrics' and it usually has a genetic cause.

Isn't it marvellous that we could be clinically dead for that amount of time and come back? :shades:

People often confuse heart attacks and cardiac arrests, but they are not the same..