View Full Version : Stabbing pains left side waist level

11-11-07, 19:36
Take a bit to explain but here goes! I have severe spinal problems and severe health anxiety. On and off over the years I have had attacks of bad stabbing pains at waist level on left side about two inches to left of centre with ache round ribs and sore spine. I also seem to have lots of wind as well so a bit confusing. I can remember having these odd attacks lasting either a day or on and off for weeks for many years and getting very worried about them. I started getting them frequently 8 months ago and have had all sorts of tests - ultrasound of everything I possess loads of blood tests and a flexible sigmoidoscopy all normal. At one time a dr thought I was getting shingles as all my ribs on left side are prickly and itchy as well. Then told its trapped wind as in IBS. Then told it could be referred pain from spinal problems. I am due a colonsocopy to rule out once and for all bowel complaint either before xmas or in new year. I think it is safe to say its either digestion related or spine related but I freak out everytime I get it.
I went to hospital with it in July and had all the ultrasounds again and blood tests and last test will be the colonsocopy every though I had a sigmod done only in March. Everything except my spine is normal.

I also have a relative not much older than me who has terminal ovarian cancer and she likes to discuss her condition with me as i understand all the medical stuff!!! and she is suffering with her liver and getting lots of pain at waist level. I know my liver is okay as it has been scanned and had endless liver function tests all in last few months but I still get in a panic.

Sorry for rambling but you know how it is

11-11-07, 20:55
I am sorry you are going through so much. I have IBS and have stabbing pains all the time. I was convinced it was my gallbladder or my liver or something serious but they have ruled everything out like they have for you. With anxiety we tend to feel things alot easier than others and even though its hard to believe it could be trapped wind, my bets are that is what it is.
I hope you feel better soon

11-11-07, 22:04
Thanks Alison, I didnt realise that IBS can be so painful, I just thought it gave you what I already have which is loose motions in the morning then rabbit droppings in the evening. My consultant said this pattern of bowel motions is perfect IBS.

Can I ask where you get your stabbing pains and if you have it all the time or just in attacks.

12-11-07, 08:36
I get horrable pains and suffer from IBS. Sometimes it can be so bad I am doubled over in pain convinced my stomach is going to jump out of my body. Well the doctor is convinces of IBS anyhow.

I think you are brave to discuss with your relative about her terminal ovarian cancer I know I would be in a huge stress ball if I had to, so to help her at this time is wonderful! though not to sure how you feel inside if it makes you worry even more.

One thing I have learnt, everything has symptoms and a lot of them overlap, but crossfingers most of the time it's not serious. It freaks me out that problems for a migrane an also cross with a stroke or something but I guess it's thinking positive.

Hope you feel better soon and the doctors can pin point the problem!
Take care

14-11-07, 12:37
The way I reassure myself about any health worries is to think about how long I think I have had something and whether I am any worse since I first noticed it. So if I develop a pain that worries me, I just kind of "oversee" it, and if nothing worse develops then I just hope it goes away. 99% of the time it does :) It's the same with stuff connected with my anxiety attacks, although family and friends keep telling me to see the doctor, I won't go until I am certain the problem is real. At present I keep getting the racing heart symptom, everything I read reassures me that it isn't dangerous or a real problem. If I notice any deterioration in my general health then I may consider seeking medical advice.