View Full Version : Have you had anxiety so bad you never thought you'd get better?

16-06-21, 12:07
And that it would affect your health negatively for a long time?
It is how I feel when I have anxiety. I feel like my health will be negatively impacted by my anxiety later in life. I feel like I will never full get over anxiety and that I'll always be an anxious person, both generally and socially. I worry that certain scenarios will trigger my panic attacks even if I eventually get over my anxiety. It's frustrating.

16-06-21, 12:34
Oh, heck, yes.

Anxiety is a lifelong condition, I think. The good news is that while it may not be curable, it's definitely manageable.

17-06-21, 07:18
And that it would affect your health negatively for a long time?
It is how I feel when I have anxiety. I feel like my health will be negatively impacted by my anxiety later in life. I feel like I will never full get over anxiety and that I'll always be an anxious person, both generally and socially. I worry that certain scenarios will trigger my panic attacks even if I eventually get over my anxiety. It's frustrating.

Yes, I had it between August 1991 and March 1994 concerning emetophobia, until I started taking Stelazine towards the end of the latter month.

Didn't cure the actual emetophobia per se, but definitely helped treat the symptoms of mass anxiety, even though said medication is now allegedly discredited as it's been known to cause tardive dyskinesia over time, which is what happened to me.

I now take Sertraline and when necessary, Lorazepam.

17-06-21, 07:32
I had a mental breakdown due to health anxiety..

21-06-21, 00:53
Yes. I am in a dark place at this time and do not see much light at the end of the tunnel. Anxiety is brutal right now.

21-06-21, 08:26
AuntWithIssues, I'm so sorry you're having a rough time right now.

22-06-21, 08:34
AuntWithIssues, I'm so sorry you're having a rough time right now.

Ditto from Lencoboy here.

My rough patch back in the early-mid 90s I mentioned upthread (most ironically) was probably more traumatic than this pandemic has been for me so far. Probably because it also coincided with adolescence, which even at the best of times is an extremely turbulent period for pretty much every living person between the ages of 12 and 17 with one foot still stuck in childhood and the other in early adulthood, but usually settles down once past the age of 18, as did with me.

I think emetophobia and anxiety in general, particularly amongst teenagers (and definitely those with ASD) were still poorly understood back then, plus we were often regarded as a hindrance.

22-06-21, 19:32
And that it would affect your health negatively for a long time?
It is how I feel when I have anxiety. I feel like my health will be negatively impacted by my anxiety later in life. I feel like I will never full get over anxiety and that I'll always be an anxious person, both generally and socially. I worry that certain scenarios will trigger my panic attacks even if I eventually get over my anxiety. It's frustrating.

im 41 and this is where I am right now!! Worrying what I’ve done to myself x

22-06-21, 19:56
What do you think you've done to yourself, Sarah? What evidence have you got of "damage"?

23-06-21, 07:50
Yes. I am in a dark place at this time and do not see much light at the end of the tunnel. Anxiety is brutal right now.

Sorry you're struggling A. You do see some light though? A pin-prick will do. And each time you stick the Vs up to fear, the light grows bigger and bigger..

If you can imagine all these diseases, then you can imagine that light getting bigger and you walking purposely towards it. You might stumble and fall along the way, but it's not the falling down that matters; it's the getting up.

Anxiety may be kicking your @rse at the mo, but this is where strength and courage come in, and what you perceive as 'weakness' is actually the reverse..

This is a well used cliché but it's also very true - you are stronger than you think! X

24-06-21, 01:10
AuntWithIssues, I'm so sorry you're having a rough time right now.

Ditto from Lencoboy here.

My rough patch back in the early-mid 90s I mentioned upthread (most ironically) was probably more traumatic than this pandemic has been for me so far. Probably because it also coincided with adolescence, which even at the best of times is an extremely turbulent period for pretty much every living person between the ages of 12 and 17 with one foot still stuck in childhood and the other in early adulthood, but usually settles down once past the age of 18, as did with me.

I think emetophobia and anxiety in general, particularly amongst teenagers (and definitely those with ASD) were still poorly understood back then, plus we were often regarded as a hindrance.

Thanks! Found out I will not be returning to the office anytime soon and I am not happy about that as working from home is a big time cause of my anxiety at the moment. So sad about so many things. Been discussing the possibility of meds with my therapist, looks like I may need to escalate that process as I can barely function most days.

24-06-21, 01:52
Hi there, I haven’t been on this site since 2012. I started on cipralex back then and I have done very well on it for years, with a few blips along the way which upping the meds a bit always took care of, and reduce dose once I’m stable. This spring I could feel the anxiety coming, and being proactive I upped the med a bit about 8 weeks ago. Doesn’t seem to be working as well. 3 days ago I ended up in emerg, hyperventilating with my hands, arms, legs going into violent cramps. Had anyone ever experienced that with anxiety? It’s happened about 3 times like this in the last few years. Terrifying. I’m almost 60 and here I am still fighting this…I feel so alone. Sitting here can hardly breathe. No more know what triggers this than I did years ago. A switch gets flips and it stays on. Need to hear from somebody who understands, I feel like I have no control no matter how hard I try.

25-06-21, 12:54
Yes i feel like that right now, but I am having CBT therapy so I am hoping this helps.. We are strong people us anxiety sufferers, stronger than most. It is alot to put up with and is exhausting on a daily basis. Really hope you feel better soon, do try CBT