View Full Version : Do you guys do this

16-06-21, 14:54
Literally the last month of my life has been so difficult. I have had numerous medical scares and I’m in a flare up of HA. Do you find yourself immediately thinking the worst for things other people without HA wouldn’t be bothered by? The urge to google is so bad but ultimately makes it ten times worse. Just wondering what everyone does to try to calm themselves.

16-06-21, 17:06
Yes all the time but I am able to avoid Google. The mind still racing with worst case scenarios

17-06-21, 12:35
Oh yes Scaredtoo,every time.I always jump to the worst scenario about every thing.You name it and i will worry about it,fortunately i have a great wife who will look things up for me so i do not let google scare me any more [we have all been there] it is not good for a H/Aer to look.
This works for me anyway i do not know if it will work for everyone.She will then say come on we are going out,so i cannot sit and mull over things,we generally go and see a few friends for a couple of hours i find it helps to be in company.
I have suffered H/A for 30years and i really wish i could come up with something better,but if you wish to write to me i will help you all i can.

24-06-21, 18:49
Thank you so much Gizmo. I just posted another thread. I’m in a very bad place right now. Really struggling

24-06-21, 22:28
Do you find yourself immediately thinking the worst for things other people without HA wouldn’t be bothered by?

That is literally the definition, practically, of HA. So, that covers almost everyone here with HA. Scaredtoo, you have had 4 years now responding in the same way to any minor potential symptom, catastrophizing hugely and not dealing with your HA. In all honesty you should look back at some of your past threads, all the answers are there, even suggestions for calming and rationalising. It really could help you to take stock of the years of replies from members. I understand your fears are bad at the moment, and it really could help just to see that you have had similar fears in the past and been ok.

24-06-21, 23:50
Thank you Carys. I know that’s true. I’ve hit a low and it’s been a long time since my last episode. My meds have helped but this is such a new issue for me and I’m very scared. Disappointed in myself for falling into the dark galaxy again