View Full Version : Aches and Pains doing my head in

11-11-07, 20:37
I don’t think I can stand this anymore, the eye pain has got better in the last couple of days but I had a headache last night and I have another one now. I can’t cope anymore, I just wanna get on with my life and be normal, I have been convinced I have had a brain tumour for the past month or so but I am kind of over that now as I m sure it would have been detected in the eye test and I would have been referred. It’s just every night I feel really crap, I get dizzy and feel really anxious, it’s horrible. I just wanna get back to the person I was a year ago. For the last couple of days I have been getting a lot of head pains and weird twinges in my head which freak me out as my first thought is any moment I’m going to collapse and die. Is it all just anxiety? Any advice?

Please reply
Love Louise xx

11-11-07, 20:53
I am sorry you are not feeling better. I really think it is anxiety and seeing your doc about ways to help are your best option. Maybe cognitive behaviour therapy will help.
My sister had/has a tumour in her pituary gland in her brain and funny thing is she had no symptoms in her head what so ever. No headaches or eye pain or anything. It was just a routine bloodtest that picked up something wrong.
With anxiety the more you think about the pain the worse it will get and more often you will get it.
I really hope you can start feeling better asap

11-11-07, 21:30
Yuo could have picked up a virus which is causing this. If you visit your doctor he'll be able to let you know what's going around. Meanwhile , keep warm, rest and take plenty of fluids.