View Full Version : Body Aches and pains, high levels in bloods - help'

17-06-21, 13:37
Hey there,

i am going through a bout of HA again and maybe some shared experiences will help

Last two weeks i've been battling an ongoing headache, well more a stiff neck and radiating at the back with sensitive skin (like clothes rubbing on it hurts) now its bit of the chills every so often, and really bad body aches and pains

Been to GP and CRP levels raised over a couple of blood tests (bout 5 days apart), i think they were crp 43 and esr 73

Every day now i'm getting the sore neck ache, and all over body aches but no other symptoms, GP says likely a virus

Anyone else had this
high crp and esr
muscle aches all over
neck stiffness
chills and some intermittent night sweats,
sensitive skin

im worried about the symptoms and high levels in the bloods


13-07-21, 17:05
I have all the symptoms you have wrote here, I’ve not found any answers yet, have you?

13-07-21, 22:08
Hey, has the doctor recommended any further blood work? What is his plan?

14-07-21, 14:44
ESR and CRP measure inflammation and they can be elevated for a number of reasons. Have you had a virus recently? Have you spoken to your doctor about the results? He/she is the best person to go over your results with.

14-07-21, 16:23
Hey there,

i am going through a bout of HA again and maybe some shared experiences will help

Last two weeks i've been battling an ongoing headache, well more a stiff neck and radiating at the back with sensitive skin (like clothes rubbing on it hurts) now its bit of the chills every so often, and really bad body aches and pains

Been to GP and CRP levels raised over a couple of blood tests (bout 5 days apart), i think they were crp 43 and esr 73

Every day now i'm getting the sore neck ache, and all over body aches but no other symptoms, GP says likely a virus

Anyone else had this
high crp and esr
muscle aches all over
neck stiffness
chills and some intermittent night sweats,
sensitive skin

im worried about the symptoms and high levels in the bloods


The most likely cause - given your other symptoms, is a virus or infection so I'd be inclined to agree with your GP.

I have all those other symptoms with my fibro..

Have you got to repeat the tests?

07-09-21, 01:54
hi ive raised crp at moment only slight over but with raised lympcytes and raised ferritin,They are also inflammatory markers

id had raised ferritin last year which has now doubled and my gp put that down to arthritis flare last year and also ME and fibro.I have a lot of those symptoms too like NoraB but a lot of abdominal discomfort at moment

I ve also had raised crp in the past and they tested for rhematoid arthritis because of that but that was ruled out and a different form of arthritis expected

I hope gp can reassure you as i know how hard it is waiting for results and investigations

do you have any fatigue at all ? could you have had a virus or any ME or fibro ?