View Full Version : Couple brown specks on back of eye

18-06-21, 19:29
Hiya my daughter who is 8 went for an eye test today she was abit shirt sighted so prescribed glasses but the optician pointed out she has a couple brown specks at the back of eye he said he isnt worried but shes going back in 6 months as this is her first set of glasses and going to check eye again, he said hes not worried that's why he isnt sending her to the eye specialist. Shes only had one eye test last year at a different opticians they didn't mention it.But I suffer bad health anxiety and I'm.freaking out

23-06-21, 08:09

Wording this carefully as you have HA!

1) This is really common.
2) In VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY rare cases it might be something more sinister.
Most importantly -

3) Opticians are trained to KNOW when things are serious. If she had anything of concern she would have been sent straight to the specialist.
The optician will have seen this many times and he will completely recognise that it is one of the ones not to worry about.

If you are still worried, I would ring and explain that it freaked you and ask for reassurance. I told my opticians about my HA and they've been wonderful.

Hugs. xxxxx

23-06-21, 18:53
Thankyou, I took her for a second opinion and they couldnt see it on there pictures so put ny mind at rest as they missed it she o ly saw it when she dilated her pupil and looked inside the eye even Stephen she struggled to see it x ty

25-06-21, 10:56
Great. Sometimes it's good to get that second opinion, sometimes it feeds the anxiety. Had a similar thing myself recently as I do genuinely have dodgy retinas and wasn't sure whether they needed checking. Optometrist said ALWAYS go with symptoms and don't worry about 'bothering' them.