View Full Version : Eye anxiety and dark “ blob” in left eye

19-06-21, 07:35
Hi ,
So here I am again after managing really well during pregnancy and 5 months post partum.

I see a lot about eye disruption but this is really bothering me.
It all started while I was sat in the sofa and notice a blurred patch slight to the left of my central vision.
This send me into a full panic. I managed to phone my optition who fitted me in that afternoon. During the wait I started testing My vision covering one eye seeing what I can see out of each . Each time when I cover my right I see a small shadow out of my left , slightly to the left of center. ( this is in a stripy curtain) if I test otherwise itÂ’s ok.
The eye test went fine she did photo of the back of the eye , a macular scan and a visual field .
When both eyes are open I see perfect just when I close one I see a shadow type.
Any one else relate to this?
Thank you

19-06-21, 07:45
Just to add, the eye test was a dilated exam and when I asked her re tumors ( my fear) she said my eyes looks perfect. The optics nerve would be most likely swollen if it was a tumor and to think I logically. She told me to stop testing my own vision as well. As a lot of you might relate there is no logic thinking when it comes to this.
Thank you

19-06-21, 12:06
What did the optician say about it?


19-06-21, 13:44
She said it all looked normal, I had no blind spots in the visual field test. I asked her if my anxiety could be making me hyper focus on normal eye phenomenons and she said “ I’m not a GP”
I mentioned my eyes were perfect, photos behind the eye and the scan of the eye.I did wonder if I’m actually noticing my own natural blind spots as it does only happen when I close one eye.
And unless you have no choice who walks around with 1 eye testing to see what they see.

19-06-21, 13:46
She did also say she can refer me to the eye clinic but she doesn’t know what she would be referring me for as there is nothing to see. So asked me to speak to my GP who I have a good relationship with re my health anxiety. This should really reassure me

19-06-21, 14:26
This should really reassure me

Absolutely, and based on that, it's your HA causing you to hyper-focus and perform unusual self testing which then fuels your anxiety over a normal visual anomaly.


23-06-21, 18:48
Thank you this gives me some reassurance. I spent this morning feeling much better then as soon as I got home I started testing again and every time I see this tiny little blind spot.
Wish I never tested in the first place 😔 and I’d not have noticed .

25-06-21, 12:44
Hi sorry I’m back again with my eye anxiety.
I seem to be able to find my left eyes blind spot really easy. I can just close my right eye while looking at a page of writing and I get a “ blank” area. I had my eyes tested last week and she said it was all normal even the visual field . Infact I had 2 eye tests ( Wednesday a dilated exam and Friday the visual field.)
I’m finding myself constantly checking and asking close family if they can see it too which eventually they say they can but they have to really try.
Could it really be possible I have become so hyper aware I have trained myself to do this .
Starting to become a mess 😭

25-06-21, 16:28
Yes it's entirely possible - ESPECIALLY as you have just had a visual fields test!

Everything is ok. I managed to get blurry vision and extra floaters just by worrying about it, the other month!

You will be fine. x

25-06-21, 16:39

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

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It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

25-06-21, 20:02
Thank you,
Of course I then worry I did the test wrong . I’m sure she would have known if I had done it wrong but it’s one of those situations I get reassurance then doubt it and find a reason why it’s wrong. I spoke to my GP today who reassured me this is not a brain tumor and he’s arranged to see me next week.
I have spend nearly 10 days in a frenzy covering one eye constantly checking.
I’ve been practically free of health anxiety for 18 months then it’s suddenly returned.
I appreciate all the replies

27-06-21, 09:12
Hi I’ve suffered from health anxiety for over 10 years and have regularly used this site but never really posted until recently.
Im having a really difficult week with my symptoms snd finding it hard to believe what I am being told.
Here’s the story..
2 weeks ago noticed a blur in my vision this lead to a panic attack and a phone call to an optition during the wait for my appointment I started testing my vision covering my eyes seeing what I could see. I discovered a small “ blank patch” in my left eye.
I told my optition who did ocular photos, dilated my pupil, and a macula scan the findings were fine.
Still in a panic over this patch which was apparently my natural blind spot I went back snd she did a visual field again all ok.

This was 10 days ago snd I’m now noticing small shadows in my side vision. I only notice these when I look for them in every day life I don’t. My GP seems to think I’m hyper aware of normal vision and I’m ok.
Why can’t I believe him and think I have the worse ?
Can my mind really cause this?
Thank you

27-06-21, 10:48
Of course your mind can cause this Hco,your mind can think up all manner of things.
Why do you think there are so many of us on here?We are all victims of what we think we have.
Trust in your optician they can see many things through your eyes,if there was something amiss i am sure you would have been told so.
Good luck Hco we all need it on here.

27-06-21, 10:57
My GP seems to think I’m hyper aware of normal vision and I’m ok.
Why can’t I believe him and think I have the worse ?
Can my mind really cause this?

Yes, it can. Vision is arguably the least reliable of our senses. Only about 20% of what we 'see' comes from the eyes, the other 80% is generated by our brain. It mostly colours in between the lines. This processing can be greatly influenced by our emotions, especially anxiety/fear/stress.


How do our brains reconstruct the visual world? (https://theconversation.com/how-do-our-brains-reconstruct-the-visual-world-49276)

Visual perception (https://qbi.uq.edu.au/brain/brain-functions/visual-perception)

Our brains prefer invented visual information to the real thing (https://www.newscientist.com/article/2131864-our-brains-prefer-invented-visual-information-to-the-real-thing/)

27-06-21, 11:14
Yes, it can. Vision is arguably the least reliable of our senses. Only about 20% of what we 'see' comes from the eyes, the other 80% is generated by our brain. It mostly colours in between the lines. This processing can be greatly influenced by our emotions, especially anxiety/fear/stress.


How do our brains reconstruct the visual world? (https://theconversation.com/how-do-our-brains-reconstruct-the-visual-world-49276)

Visual perception (https://qbi.uq.edu.au/brain/brain-functions/visual-perception)

Our brains prefer invented visual information to the real thing (https://www.newscientist.com/article/2131864-our-brains-prefer-invented-visual-information-to-the-real-thing/)

brilliant reply!

sarah x

27-06-21, 11:37
Thank you I really appreciate you all taking time to reply. This has really taken over me this week the constant checking and asking family for reassurance. I’m constantly finding new symptoms this morning I looked at a picture and part of the frame looked like it was missing of course when I move my eyes it isn’t but this she me in a frenzy and now I see this on all I look at.
I started Zoloft again this week after being off it for 2 years I don’t know why this reared it’s I got head again.
So a brain tumor wouldn’t be missed by an optition of its visual symptoms you went in for . X

27-06-21, 11:53
Thank you I appreciate you replying to me.

27-06-21, 13:38
This has really taken over me this week

...I started Zoloft again this week after being off it for 2 years

That may account for your symptoms. Visual disturbances are relatively common initial side-effects of SSRIs caused by increased serotonin activity, both within the eyes and the muscles around them. Side-effects may be different each time antidepressants are restarted. After a few weeks most of these side-effects diminish as bio-feedback mechanisms kick in and begin down-regulating serotonin synthesis and expression, however, the very common dilated pupils side-effect may persist for as long as you're on sertraline.

27-06-21, 13:50
Can my mind really cause this?

Absolutely, and based on that, it's your HA causing you to hyper-focus and perform unusual self testing which then fuels your anxiety over a normal visual anomaly.


27-06-21, 13:54

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

27-06-21, 14:45
Unfortunately I was put on the medication after the eye symptoms started otherwise I would hope it was that causing it.
Just wish I could not keep testing my vision a d looking for the problem.

27-06-21, 14:47
Thank you I constantly reminded myself this. And as soon as I calm down and feel I’m being irrational I have a panic.

28-06-21, 14:04
Finding it hard to believe that anxiety it really Causing these eye symptoms.
I now notice every time I close my right eye items/ words disappear. My family say it’s just my natural blind spot and if it was something not normal I would have problems without checking every 5 minutes.

01-07-21, 16:22
So today I have been awful constantly checking my left eye snd each time I se the same area. My GP reassured me it’s my anxiety and I’m ok . Why do I constantly doubt this.

01-07-21, 17:01
So today I have been awful constantly checking my left eye snd each time I se the same area. My GP reassured me it’s my anxiety and I’m ok . Why do I constantly doubt this.

The constant self examination, rumination and doubting medical professionals are all hallmark HA mental and physical behavioral traits.


01-07-21, 17:46
Thank you , I just have no self control and really need to get a grip. I keep questioning that’s what I see must be something it can be normal after being told so many times it’s just normal.
He prescribed me propanalol yesterday which I’ve not tried before. Has anyone else any experience!?

01-07-21, 18:11
Thank you , I just have no self control and really need to get a grip. I keep questioning that’s what I see must be something it can be normal after being told so many times it’s just normal.
He prescribed me propanalol yesterday which I’ve not tried before. Has anyone else any experience!?

That's a beta blocker. I take one for my heart issues. They essentially put a ceiling on how hard your heart will work. For anxiety and panic sufferers, they can help with the physical reactions to panic and stress.


04-07-21, 19:41
I’m just reaching grout to this whole have had eye anxiety. I’ve been suffering for 3 weeks now convinced I have a blind spot ( although I passed my vision field test.
Just as I begin to settle i think of something and test my self.
So today a grid popped up on my phone so I close one eye and look and there was a piece missing on one of the lines. It’s there now whenever I look for it. My family says it’s normal and just an optical illusion and I’m looking for somthing so will see it. I don’t understand how this works but I have read a lot of people say similar.
Anyone else have eye anxiety?

04-07-21, 23:40

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

04-07-21, 23:40
Please stick to this one post. We have merged your threads 3 times now. Thank you