View Full Version : Purple spider veins

19-06-21, 09:09
I am 24. I noticed some purple veins in my lower legs (spider veins). I actually noticed them mainly because i had a rash on my leg that the doc provided cream for, didnt pay much attention till then. I then looked closer (because anxiety duhh), and noticed the tops of my legs have lots of
telangiectasia (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/312845).

I know I shouldn't google and that I should be reassured that it says in most cases this is nothing. It just makes me sad i have so many at such a young age. I dont care how they look but I just spiral and think that cant be a good sign. I also have lots of cherry anigomas which freak me out. I just don't understand why i keep getting these things associated with aging. Or is it because i pick up on every little thing.

However, I cant stop worrying that I have poor circulation and that i am going to have heart problems or blood clots or even a stroke in the future. A trigger for my health anxiety is already migraine with aura which led to a major panic re stroke risk.

I am due on my period so unsure if my health anxiety levels are through the roof. I don't think all the talk of covid / vaccines and blood clots have helped. There were a lot of statistics going around about how common these are in the general pop and it freaked my out.

Even tho most sources say this is only really a cosmetic problem, i still focus on this:

Telangiectasia can sometimes precede a more serious disease or medical condition, including:

Ataxia telangiectasia – an inherited childhood disease that affects the brain and other parts of the body
Bloom syndrome
Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome
Port-wine stain
Spider angioma – an abnormal collection of blood vessels near the surface of the skin
Sturge-Weber disease – a rare disorder that can cause nervous system problems
Xeroderma pigmentosum – a rare medical condition where the skin and eyes are very sensitive to the ultraviolet light
Liver disease


I am fed up of my brain being this way :(

19-06-21, 21:18
If it helps I have spider veins. A doctor told me it is a common thing. If you are worried ask your doctor.

19-06-21, 21:37
I have plenty on my legs. I think being on your feet a lot can cause them. I've never worried about. I was just self conscious about them when I was younger.

20-06-21, 08:35
I've had spider veins on back of my thigh/into the @rsecheek for as long as I can remember. Cherry angiomas? Check. Varicose veins? Check. They're perks of staggering around with up to 10lb of baby inside of me! :lac: Plus, a lot of standing about with certain jobs..

You'll get a lot more of this shite as you get older...