View Full Version : Floaters in the eyes and spark type bits when looking at bright sky. Worried!

19-06-21, 13:47
Hi guys. So for as long as I can remember I've had floaters in my eyes. I have been wearing glasses for about 16/17 years since my teens. I'm now 32. I have been suffering anxiety for about a decade. It goes from mild to bad at times which obviously sucks. Anyway, I've recently had more floaters in my eyes and little spark type things when I look at the sky. It's hard to explain the latter things, but I've also had those for a few years too. I'm wondering if they are anxiety related and there's a connection. Obviously I need to book an appointment with the opticians, which I will do next week, but in the meantime I just wanted a little advice if you have any.

19-06-21, 17:40
Floaters are pretty common - I've had them for years. I think anxiety and stress can exacerbate them and also induce the flashes you are talking about - if you are straining your eye muscles. I've had more problems the last 6 months due to the continued lockdowns - spending more time indoors, more laptop use with home working(not good as the back lighting on a laptop is not as good as an office-based PC). Sometimes when I go out into broad daylight I feel as if I am walking in a mist until my eyes settle and can focus again.

You could go to optician if you are worried but they will most likely just give you a prescription for stronger glasses. Personally I have 3 pairs of differing strengths for different types of activity - I alternate them in order to exercise my eye muscles.

19-06-21, 21:39
I remember talking with my mother about the floaters in my eyes when I looked at the sky when I was about 10 years old. I'm 30 now and still have them. I'm sure its normal

19-06-21, 22:00
I remember talking with my mother about the floaters in my eyes when I looked at the sky when I was about 10 years old. I'm 30 now and still have them. I'm sure its normal

That's just it. We all experience anomalies. Physical, visual and otherwise. I have floaters and things that look like worms floating in my vision. The thing is, I have to purposely look for them in order to see them. Otherwise, I don't see nor give them a passing thought. With HA sufferers, it seems, they focus intentionally or not, on these normal anomalies and turn them into something bigger than they are :shrug:


19-06-21, 22:44
I’ve always had this when looking at the sky, floaters and the ‘spark type things’. I always likened the sparky things to tv static and just assumed it was from being on the computer or watching tv too much! I must say that I never actually noticed the floaters until I read about them on here lol.

Anyway, like others have said, I think it’s normal but anxious minds tend to focus on it more!

20-06-21, 19:54
I’ve got floaters in my eyes and I went to the optician recently who said my eyes are healthy. Its totally normal and mine can be quite irritatingly visible!

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20-06-21, 20:41
I had a few really noticeable ones a few years ago, I went to opticians and they told me it's totally normal and that most of them will eventually settle at the bottom of your eye out of your line of vision - and they did 👍