View Full Version : Panic attack

20-06-21, 12:21
I’ve had one today for the first time in years. I was diagnosed with Health anxiety when I was really young and therapy really help me with the panic attacks. Today though I just can’t seem to shift the over whelming feeling of doom. I pulled a muscle on my lower back yesterday when I was at the beach and I’ve been in absolute agony since. I’m worried that I’ve really damaged it and I’ve got to go back to work tomorrow and sit on a computer desk so I’m unsure what to do. Anyone got any advice to shift the feeling?

Thank you.

20-06-21, 13:23
Have you taken any painkillers? Also hot and cold therapy. Frozen bag of peas on the area for about 15 minutes, then a warm bath.

I think you're having a blip because of hurting your back. Have you been stressed lately? Can you revisit the coping techniques you learnt previously?