View Full Version : Multiple symptoms anxious

20-06-21, 12:22
Im in mid 50s have a lot of symptoms and just looking for any possible comfort before I contact doc again . Has anyone else has had combination of things like this and did it turn out trivial.I think I have something really wrong and it's driving me to distraction with worry. My current fears are bowel cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, brain tumour, pancreas and I could go on.

Tired all the time , feel spaced out and dizzy
Bowel issues
Dull fullness type ache in lower left hand side and under left rib
For last few weeks cold all the time and feet freezing
Shooting ache where collar bone meets rib cage, this is intermittent however and don't have it at moment
Not feeling too hungry at moment

Had full blood tests done and these were all satisfactory, which rules out some of my fears. So will need to make another appt with doc to discuss

Any input would be really appreciated ....thank you

20-06-21, 13:04
Im in mid 50s have a lot of symptoms and just looking for any possible comfort before I contact doc again . Has anyone else has had combination of things like this and did it turn out trivial.I think I have something really wrong and it's driving me to distraction with worry. My current fears are bowel cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, brain tumour, pancreas and I could go on.

Tired all the time , feel spaced out and dizzy
Bowel issues float , very smelly , often very loose
Dull fullness type ache in lower left hand side and under left rib
For last few weeks cold all the time and feet freezing
Shooting ache where collar bone meets rib cage, this is intermittent however and don't have it at moment
Not feeling too hungry at moment

Had full blood tests done and these were all satisfactory, which rules out some of my fears. So will need to make another appt with doc to discuss

Any input would be really appreciated ....thank you

I've had all those symptoms at one time or another. You're not eating properly, so that will explain the loose stools. Tired all the time and feeling spaced out and dizzy is a main anxiety symptom. Like, I've never met any anxiety sufferer who doesn't have that symptom.

The problem that I see amongst HA sufferers, and I was the same, is that all the symptoms you describe are really vague. Things like brain tumours, leukemia and pancreatic cancer, when they begin to cause symptoms, are almost always not vague.

Your doctor will probably order bloods etc and do an examination, but none of those symptoms give me any red flags. I'm not a doctor, so I can't diagnose you, and you should always contact a doctor if you need a professional opinion, but yes, in answer to your question, I think what you are experiencing is something trivial.

20-06-21, 13:25
Thank you anxiousc.all the bloods were satisfactory which should be reassuring...however been googling again which definitely is not a good idea. I'm working from home and live alone and I think Im a bit depressed to be honest and i'm drinking too much coffee which is probably not helping.

21-06-21, 08:38
i have had all those too, bloods ok, but i do have ibs and they are now lookinginto chrones/ibd , if they find nothing they have said its more than likely down to my gallstones


21-06-21, 09:11
Im in mid 50s

Can't tell if you're male or female.. if it's the latter, have you gone through the menopause yet?

Has anyone else has had combination of things like this and did it turn out trivial.

I've had literally hundreds of symptoms and it all turned out to be fibromyalgia (life affecting, but not terminal) a severe case of anxiety, and hormone imbalance due to menopause.

Tired all the time , feel spaced out and dizzy

Can be attributed to a number of minor issues, but is common with anxiety.

Bowel issues

IBS. Can be stress related or a simple case of ditching dairy (which colons over the age of 50 struggle to digest) and gluten - same reason. I didn't have an issue with dairy until a few years ago, and now it makes me ill. My colon doesn't know what's hit it after an ice-cream! :ohmy:

Dull fullness type ache in lower left hand side and under left rib

Most likely cause - IBS or muscle strain. I've had similar, only on my right side which has been diagnosed as 'musculoskeletal'.

For last few weeks cold all the time and feet freezing

That's me all of the time..

Shooting ache where collar bone meets rib cage, this is intermittent however and don't have it at moment

Have a think about what you've been doing physically. When I knit, I get pains in my collar bones. I also have arthritis in my shoulder and pain can be referred etc..

Not feeling too hungry at moment

When we're anxious we activate the fight or flight response, and that means that digestion shuts down because energy is needed elsewhere. We purge anything that will hinder us - so urine, poo and undigested food etc - so it's not at all surprising that you have no appetite. At my worst, I was surviving on dry crackers and Complan - just to get something inside me, and I felt sick ALL the time.

Had full blood tests done and these were all satisfactory, which rules out some of my fears.

Why only some? What are you thinking now?

21-06-21, 09:54
Thanks Norab for logical response, I'm male ...my worry is some kind of serious illness that's making me me feel so tired. I'll need to get it checked. All I seem to hear on news etc is people dying of cancer. Both my parents died of cancer and it was horrible. They were both elderly and I know other people have a lot worse situations in life but it has definitely played on my mind and with my worrying.

21-06-21, 11:30
Thanks Norab for logical response, I'm male ...

Forget the menopause then. :yesyes: Although I hear it's possible for men to suffer from their wives/partner's menopause? I think it was my husband who told me that...:huh:

my worry is some kind of serious illness that's making me me feel so tired. I'll need to get it checked. All I seem to hear on news etc is people dying of cancer. Both my parents died of cancer and it was horrible. They were both elderly and I know other people have a lot worse situations in life but it has definitely played on my mind and with my worrying.

Totally understand; I've been there - both parents having cancer too. Only my dad died from it though. I'm so sorry you lost both parents to this awful disease.

You're getting older and you have health anxiety. That's what I'm seeing in your post. I'm serious about the dairy and gluten - it's made a huge difference to my IBS issues!

By all means - get checked out. Get second opinions. Do what you have to do. but when all those tests come back OK, and the word 'anxiety' has been said often enough - sooner or later you're going to have to accept it and work on the real issue - which is your mental health..

21-06-21, 17:32
I agree with you on mental health , feel I'm missing out on life a lot due to constant worrying and stressing over everything.