View Full Version : Waking up with weird thoughts

11-11-07, 23:04
Has anyone woke up before and just had the strangest thoughts? Sometimes in the middle of the night it will seem like i wake up and have weird thoughts, about how many cars i'm selling (but i'm not a car salesman), or just racing thoughts in my mind i can't seem to stop. I've gotten better at recognizing that these thoughts are silly and i can fall back asleep, but at the begining I used to lead to a panic attack.

12-11-07, 04:55
I would find it strange not to wake to werid thoughts :-) I think mostly dreams are the blame for this. We wake and our minds still in somewhat of a dream state are still working.

I find it weird the things we go to sleep thinking.The other night as I was drifting off I was thinking of all the lines in the movie" The Fifth Element" Strange but true.

My wife wakes every morning still half in dream state and talks of odd things still fresh in her mind and I too have been awaken thinking odd things,never ever finding them to be odd other than you are still half asleep.

The thoughts and actions of our brains I think are the clearing house or the deleting of useless information like a hard drive. Things that are cluttered from sector to sector being pushed into the concious and released just as the hard drive pushes all useless information into one corner until the drive is formatted.

Everyone has strange thoughts and feelings. Its a biochemical makeup that causes these thoughts and feelings.Tell me about 53 years of waking to thoughts of things that I conciously haven't thought about in years or people or places or situtations that could never happen or have.

What does it all mean..Nothing. Anxiety during the night can cause chemical reactions to keep dreams or thoughts lingering in the morning to. No real meaning just there and then you let go of them and they soon fade.

Good luck. Im sure its nothing and everyone has these weird thoughts and feelings. So you are pretty normal.