View Full Version : Blood on TP

23-06-21, 18:15
I for sure have generalized anxiety disorder. I'm seeing a therapist. But when you're in a spiral you're in a spiral.

I've had gut problems for as long as I can remember (I'm 37). Tiny specs of blood on TP for as long as I can remember. Self diagnosed IBS since my mom's entire family has 'funny tummy.'

Anyway, of course yesterday I see an article about how CC is showing up more and more in younger people....and then I have a loose movement (salad, of course)..first wipe, normal, second...a bit more blood than I had seen in the past. Eventually, I wiped until there was nothing.

I've been having thin/flat stool, mucus, diarrhea, right upper quad pain (ultrasound said fatty liver) off and on for years, always just chalked it up to anxiety and IBS....but of course since I triggered myself with that article yesterday, I'm now convinced I have CC.

I've had all the classic hemmorrhoid systems...itchy, burny...but didn't have that last night and had all the blood.

This morning I saw what I thought was blood on my stool but it could have been undigested red pepper that I had the other night...(you can see the battle in my brain between the rational side and the anxiety side...therapy helps!)

So long story I'm headed to urgent care since I switched primary providers right before covid and haven't been to the new office...they couldn't get me in until October.

Health anxiety sucks.

09-07-21, 20:10
Figured I'd give an update here..

Went to urgent care, my BP was super high..almost to the point where they wanted to send me to hospital. Explained my anxiety/OCD, and they said they'd retest. So the doc examined me, didn't find any fissure/hemmorrhoids. BP came down (not to great levels, but not hospital worthy) and sent me home with a referral to gastro.

Set up an appt with my GP (what I should have just done in the first place) but I couldn't get in for two weeks. That appt was yesterday. She was so good. Listened to all my concerns. Told her I have anxiety/ocd and see a therapist. My BP was also high here as I was nervous/stressed. I talked a lot. She said I didn't have any red flag symptoms even with the bleeding (and I've only seen that blood once..mostly it's small small dabs on toilet paper)..she did an exam of my backside and found one small hemmorrhoid and very dry skin. At one point she said "this isn't colon cancer." I felt very relieved.

However I do have to go back in two weeks to check BP and discuss what to do about that.

Funny how high blood pressure, which I have and runs in my family, is not something I'm overly concerned about. Stupid anxiety.

Of course now comes the fight that all of us HA sufferers deal with.. "did I tell her everything?" "What if she was lying to me?" "Why didn't she take bloodwork?" "Only way to know for sure is a colonoscopy." Trying to engage my rational brain.

Thanks for listening, NMP!

08-09-21, 00:02
I guess I'll keep this going cause it's my thread.

Dr today, BP meds have worked and it's come way down. She's very happy. Said she noticed I scheduled a GI appointment even though it's not til November. Told her I've had some pretty dark stools once I started on the fiber...kinda look like playdough mashed together, some light bits some pretty dark bits. She basically said they never like to hear that, I tried to ask what "black" stool really meant...cause I haven't had anything tarry or stinky, just super super dark brown, and it was like a two day thing....and now since the fiber has kicked in I've had some pretty normal poos. Explained that I've had pain all over the abdomen, doesn't really stay in one place and comes and goes, to that she suggested IBS and said "I'm happy you're getting a second opinion, they'll probably send you for a scan, and even if it's something bad, waiting 2, 3 months isn't a big deal."

Just seems like she's hedging now as opposed to the first time when she examined me and said "this isn't colon cancer." I kept saying to her I'm not sure what's real and what's not cause of my terrible anxiety, and she offered to put me on Lexapro which I accepted. So

It's been a rough summer. I'm not sure what I'm doing with this thread, it's just nice to write it all down.

09-09-21, 09:20
For me I find it helpful to look back on old posts; when this potentially happens again in two of three years you will look back at the symptoms listed and know it’s happened before and all was well.

I look back on mine a lot to help my rational brain gain perspective and that the exact same thing happened 20+ years ago and it was investigated then and nothing found so why would the Dr be wrong now etc

09-09-21, 20:06
For me I find it helpful to look back on old posts; when this potentially happens again in two of three years you will look back at the symptoms listed and know it’s happened before and all was well.

I look back on mine a lot to help my rational brain gain perspective and that the exact same thing happened 20+ years ago and it was investigated then and nothing found so why would the Dr be wrong now etc

Yeah, definitely. I signed up here in 2018 so something happened to me back then, I just don't remember what it was! Probably this same issue. Wish I got it all checked out back then, but it is what it is.

Thanks for the reply!

27-09-21, 14:19
Ugh, several weeks of things being okay, started taking fiber, nice well formed poos, no issues with color or anything.

This morning I have horrible cramps and go in and out came some pretty hard stools followed by some softer and some looser...I do what I normally do (and know I shouldn't) and start looking and see what looks like a smear of blood on the very end of the last piece (wow this is way gross and tmi) .... So we're back to freakoutsville!

27-09-21, 20:38
I feel your pain! I’ve been to the doctors about my rectal bleeding and she said it was internal piles. I feel like I don’t believe her! I get a couple of good days when the bleeding goes and as soon as I have a hard poo it starts all over again. It’s very distressing to see blood.

I’ve now convinced myself I have bowel cancer. Having health anxiety is such hard work.

27-09-21, 20:48
Sorry it's so worrying, glad you are getting checked.

FWIW it does sound as if the blood (fresh?) might be from a haemorrhoid. Often symptoms go when one bursts (which it does to relieve pressure).

IBS is a b*gger. I know this sounds ridiculous but I forgot I had had it diagnosed after a decade without many problems. Went to the GP and he looked through my notes and said, "It's IBS flaring up."


Keep us posted.

08-02-22, 17:06
Continuing with this thread..

Finally had an appointment with the GI doctor. He asked a ton of questions, and really seemed to focus on my diet. Said I should cut out lactose (ugh, I love lactose!). Ordered some bloods and a colonoscopy, which isn't surprising...my GP said "They'll probably scan you. They scan everyone." So that's coming up at the end of the month. He also said after the scan that he could refer me to a dietitian. So sounds like he thinks my digestive issues are because of bad diet. No answer for the blood though.

He never mentioned cancer specifically but in the notes it says that his differential diagnosis includes colorectal neoplasia (amongst other things).

Guess I should up my Lexapro dose to get through this month.

08-02-22, 19:20
It will be ok, its really not a bad procedure. The wait is t he worst part really, I was waiting for a few weeks, then got covid so had to be postponed and I just wanted it over with. But the whole thing is fine and yours will also be fine (I literally just got home from mine haha)

26-02-22, 20:42
Hello again.

Colonoscopy is on Monday, and I'm heading to the store now to buy the prep. Anxiety is up there. Got all my blood work back (cbc, c reactive, sedimentation rate, celiac) and aside from a slightly elevated blood glucose, everything is in line. Even my usual 'slightly elevated' liver enzyme was right in line. So that's a positive...but of course stuck on the negative since there's some stuff out there saying that a higher blood glucose could be indicative of CRC.

Anyway, just adding to the log here.

26-02-22, 22:42
Hoping all goes well on Monday. Please check in and let us know how you get on.

27-02-22, 22:21
On the prep right now. Super happy I installed a bidet last week!!

28-02-22, 07:09
Oh crikey! I’ve got that to look forward to!

Good luck for today, please let us know how it goes.

28-02-22, 18:44

Just had the procedure. Easy as can be. Results are:
Single shallow ulcer which the doc said could've been caused by the prep.
Single sessile polyp of diminutive appearance.

When I had the quick consult with the doc after I said, "so do I need to worry about cancer" to which he quickly said "zero. zero chance." Of course I'll worry til the biopsy results come back, but that makes me feel pretty good. Should be good for 10 years or 5 if the results come back precancerous.

Just had a gigantic meal at McDonalds. I know it's garbage but it was maybe the greatest food I'd ever had.

28-02-22, 18:56
That’s great news! I know you will worry about the results but I’m sure the Doctor is correct.

Thanks for letting us know how you got on. I don’t blame you for treating yourself to a McDonald’s!