View Full Version : Weird deja vu feelings

23-06-21, 21:05
Hi guys

I’m back again after quite a long time I’ve not been well in my absence I have been working really hard trying to sort myself out

I’m in councelling I am waiting for CBT which should start in November I have a had a few visits from a mental health nurse as well

There is something that is really bothering me though and it’s bought me right back to being scared again and feeling out of control

Over the years I’ve had a few weird deja vu sensations they have mainly happened in the shower where you remember something and you suddenly drift off you are aware of where you are but feel very out of sorts and unsettled sometimes sick just a feeling not actually being sick

I’ve had a few of them over the years sometimes quite often other times can go many months I can only recall 2 I have had that didn’t happen in the shower one was many years ago at work around 8/9 years ago the other was today

I had had a telephone councelling session at 10am till 11 this morning then I walked over to my local chemist to collect my daughters medication when I got home I suddenly had a memory it’s always the same memory but I can’t remember it I can only feel it’s familiar as it’s happening if that makes sense

I was on my feet walking a round felt very light headed scared I didn’t notice any feeling sick or raise in heart rate

Like an idiot I’ve been reading into it and it talks about tumours epilepsy and some other awful stuff which will require me needing tests

Could this simply be anxiety or is something wrong? Anyone ever had this? I am so so scared can’t even think straight

Thanks for reading guys

23-06-21, 22:46
Hello! I know that de ja vu can be a sign of epilepsy, but it can also be benign. I have had benign de ja vu since I was a toddler, and have never been diagnosed with epilepsy. I think the epilepsy dejavu usually comes with additional symptoms like intense fear, etc.

I'm not sure what type of de ja vu you are experiencing since I am not in your body, but there is definitely the possibility that it is just benign.

24-06-21, 02:17
Everyone gets feelings of de ja vu at some time or another, it’s absolutely nothing to worry about it.
I have read feelings of de ja vu can be a symptom of Epilepsy but it’s not a tell tale sign of it, not everyone with Epilepsy experiences this. There are other symptoms that are far more common in someone with Epilepsy then de ja vu.

If your concerned of course see a doctor but on its own it’s really nothing to worry yourself over.

It’s definitely a weird and eerie feeling, I give you that.

24-06-21, 02:48
I get stuff like this except I will get random memories pop into my head. It can be memories of a dream from years ago or a random street I walked down as a child. I used to have intense anxiety over this to the point where I would have a panic attack every time it happened. I have since realized it's normal because people have told me they have the same things. It happens mostly when I'm bored and my mind is wandering. Anyway I would think epilepsy or a tumor would have more intense symptoms than some deja vu.

24-06-21, 07:23
Over the years I’ve had a few weird deja vu sensations they have mainly happened in the shower where you remember something and you suddenly drift off you are aware of where you are but feel very out of sorts and unsettled sometimes sick just a feeling not actually being sick

I wonder if you've ever had a panic attack in the shower either at home or somewhere else? If so, this would be amygdala based - as in, your brain is remembering something that happened to you when it had to kick in the fight or flight response. This is also how phobias work...

Example: I had a panic attack in London when I was a child. I'd been eating baked beans and then I was sick. For years afterwards the sight or smell of baked beans triggered a panic attack. Do you see?

Like an idiot I’ve been reading into it and it talks about tumours epilepsy and some other awful stuff which will require me needing tests

Could this simply be anxiety or is something wrong? Anyone ever had this? I am so so scared can’t even think straight

Nothing is wrong. If you make the connection, it's really quite simple. We can't always make the connection because we were too young or whatever, but my money is on some kind of historical issue in a shower or something similar..

24-06-21, 07:34
Hi all

Thank you so much for your replies

I have a feeling you’re all right it has been playing on my mind and making me feel sad I’ve not decided If I’m going to speak to my doctor yet I need to try and move my head along myself instead of looking for reassurance I might not get

I really hope this CBT I am waiting for helps me with this kind of stuff

Thanks again everyone x