View Full Version : Took a couple Tylenol after night of wine tasting. Now nervous!

24-06-21, 15:32
Took a couple Tylenol after night of wine tasting. Nervous!!

Last night I went wine tasting for my dad’s birthday and when I woke up today with a slight headache so took 2 Tylenol.

I hardly take Tylenol but I now am worried about damaging my liver. Ughh

I realize it is only unlikely because I took 2 but now I can’t help but be worried!

24-06-21, 17:15
You can't damage the liver like that - you are overthinking this one.

25-06-21, 14:23
The dangers of mixing alcohol and acetaminophen is usually applied to people that are regular drinkers.

You haven’t damaged your liver and for future reference the liver is not that frail that you would damage it from mixing alcohol and acetaminophen one time or even a few times for that matter. The liver is a miraculous organ probably the most interesting one we have after the brain. It takes a lot to damage it and a lot of times the damage can be reversed so long as one isn’t to the point of cirrhosis and even in cases of cirrhosis one can slow, sometimes even stop the progression. Did you know that you can lose up to 80% of your liver and so long as the remaining 20% of your liver is healthy it will regenerate (grow back) in a matter of weeks!!!! That’s how amazing your liver is so stop worrying 😊

26-06-21, 08:27

Great comment!

26-06-21, 15:35
You're really unlikely to have damaged your liver this way. In fact, it's near impossible. If you had taken them and washed them down with a couple of glasses of wine, or drank so much you passed out all night, then popped two maybe you'd have a small chance of doing a little bit of damage, but even then, it's really unlikely if it's a one off.

You took the Tylenol the next morning, within the recommended dose, so your liver had probably done most of its work processing the alcohol. They generally recommend leaving 12+ hours between drinking and taking Tylenol, but I would imagine this applies more strongly to people who do it regularly,, or people with existing liver problems. You mentioned that you hardly take it, so this time round was probably just a slightly bigger workout for your liver. Many people out there enjoy a glass or two of wine and take some pain relief the next morning when the inevitable headache comes around!

Anything scary like acute liver failure (the horror stories you hear where somebody went overboard with huge amounts of drink and took lots of Tylenol at the same time then died two days later) isn't even an option. You were nowhere close to anything like that.

The posts above are right, your liver is extremely resilient, and it's SO unlikely that a few glasses of wine the night before is going to have any effect on it. In fact, over here, doctors usually say you can drink a small amount of alcohol while you're taking Tylenol (Paracetamol). Just next time, try to leave at least 12 hours between Tylenol and alcohol, or choose a different pain killer. Even still, this is an overabundance of caution as I'm hypervigilant about my liver. I developed liver issues when I abused it with years of a terrible diet/starving/painkillers and stress. But it's still going, and it's recovering. Small amounts of damage can be repaired, even though its near impossible you even did any damage!

The liver is an amazing organ. Always wise to take care if it, and it will take care of you :)