View Full Version : Lump in neck

24-06-21, 21:58
My husband has a lump on the side of his neck. It’s about the size of a pea, maybe slightly bigger, and is moveable between your fingers. It feels smooth. He noticed it a couple of weeks ago and I’m not sure if it’s smaller but it’s definitely not bigger than it was then. He doesn’t seem that concerned about it, he says he has had a similar lump before and it went away but as a health anxiety sufferer it’s causing me worry! Does this sound like a cause for concern? Thanks!

24-06-21, 22:03


24-06-21, 22:06
No it doesn't sound serious - lymph node or gland or boil

29-11-21, 17:44

I’ve posted before, back in June, about my husband having a lump in his neck. It feels the same as a swollen gland, and if it wasn’t persistent and had gone away I’d not have been worried about it.
He’s had it since at least May. It’s about the size of a baked bean, bigger than a pea. It feels smooth and moves when you touch it. It hasn’t grown in size, but it hasn’t reduced either.
I was getting quite worried about it so he made an appointment with the GP. The GP said as he felt otherwise well it wasn’t likely to be serious, but he’d refer him to ENT and also take bloods. He got his bloods last week and the nurse told him if it was fine then he wouldn’t hear anything but if anything showed up they'd call.
Today the doctors phoned and asked him to make a phone appointment to discuss his results. So obviously something is wrong. His appointment isn’t until next week, which he says must mean it can’t be too serious, but I know how busy our local GP is and they told him that’s the first appointment they had available so I don’t necessarily think it’s a sign it’s nothing serious.
I’m going out of my mind now with worry that something is really wrong.
Has anyone experienced anything similar?
Thanks in advance!

29-11-21, 18:43

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

29-11-21, 18:50
Hell RedBanana,
My husband has lumps all over his body and has had some removed. They are lypoma lumps. He did have one that was in his neck but larger than a pea and that one was shringed out. I am sure that if your husband's lump is serious he would be seen straight away. I can understand your worry and concern though. Perhaps the GP will discuss the options he will have. Sorry if my spelling is not quite right.