View Full Version : I'm freezing cold

25-06-21, 11:52
Touched on this before but for last 3 or 4 weeks my hands and feet have been freezing. This came on suddenly I have always had cold feet but not to this extent. Anyone else had this and did it go away?

25-06-21, 14:46
There are conditions that cause cold hands and feet and they are easily treatable. If you can ring your GP.

26-06-21, 08:13
I've had cold hands and feet for as long as I can remember. My MIL used to say I should be excellent at making pastry due to my cold hands, but I'm epically bad at it. I even manage to bugger up shop bought pastry! :blush:

So it's kind of the norm for me..

26-06-21, 08:17
Me too. I have Raynaud's though which is a minor issue really.

26-06-21, 08:28
Me too. I have Raynaud's though which is a minor issue really.

So did my mother. Her fingers turned a funny colour? I don't have that - I'm just naturally nesh.

26-06-21, 11:14
Me too. I have Raynaud's though which is a minor issue really.

Raynauds was my first thought too. Haven't got it but have seen plenty of people at work with it.

26-06-21, 12:13
Move around! Make sure you’re wear socks or slippers! Eat something…

This is coming from another chilly person!!


26-06-21, 18:56
Thanks for replying. Just worried how this has came on suddenly. Won't mention what I think it is 😟..middle of summer and having to warm feet on a hot water bottle..if no better by next week will contact doc

26-06-21, 19:43
I'd try wearing socks before ringing the doctor?

26-06-21, 19:46
Raynauds was my first thought too. Haven't got it but have seen plenty of people at work with it.

It's a real problem with ingrowing toenail surgery, isn't it?! I had my surgery cancelled twice because my feet were too cold. In the end I had to resort to hours of hot water bottle therapy beforehand..and this was June!

27-06-21, 21:01
Thanks .Was wearing 2 pairs of socks yesterday and slippers and feet still felt absolutely freezing , however, today definitely did not feel as cold so maybe tomorrow will be better...