View Full Version : My Experiences (nooby)

12-11-07, 04:27

Basically I wouldnt mind some feedback about how I've personally dealt with my panic attacks since they started 5 months ago.

First panic attack, I was in a business related meeting, and I flipped... I had to get out of there, when they asked what was wrong... quite simply I had no idea.

Went to doctor immediately, was told its "more than likely anxiety" and to take some citralopan and to double my dosage a week later.

I took the pills for 3 weeks, when I needed them most (a work related exhibition) They didnt work. Entire weekend felt like a mass of anxiety mixed with panic attacks that lasted for hours... Immediately I went to see a doctor in the area. She kindly said that in her opinion the tablets where useless.

On that advice I threw them away, I used to be quiet heavily into breathing types of meditation... often to clear my head while being a student.

This was around 4 months ago now, I enjoy football... had one panic attack at a game, hated going since... however love it still... and I'm determined to fight thru.

I am finding one thing strange and thats the fact my bladder generally feels like its in constant need of relieving, I cant find any symptoms that relate to this.

Since mastering my "breathing exercises" I've found I can generally stop a panic attack prior to it happening, however in the more extreme cases I generally flip.

Also due to the bladder I flip out if I'm forced to travel without a toilet for more than 30 minutes... had blood tests etc nothing came back that was out of the ordinary.

Any feedback is appreciated, what do you guys do to kind of stop a panic attack when you can see it coming.

Regards and thanks in advance,

12-11-07, 13:25
Distraction works best for me. After a few minutes the panic will subside and you'll be fine.

But the best thing is to wait it out and go through your panics without getting scared of the symptoms. Once you feel like it can't hurt you, then you'll probably feel much better.

Oh, and welcome to this forum! I've learned loads here and this place is what really helped me to get so much better than I was.

12-11-07, 16:10
Hello !
Here are tow tips that recently cam my way ....

12-11-07, 16:11
1. (oops) Keep you mouth moist - it limits the pysical sensations that your brain misinterprets.


12-11-07, 16:13
(ooops) (must remember not to use tabs !!!!!)
2. tap your collarbone and say "calm and relaxed, safe and secure)

It's worked for me a couple of times

Be kind to yourself

12-11-07, 18:33
At one point I was unable to go out to shops, busy places when I was off work with depression and panic attacks. I found wearing an mp3 helped me as it had all my fav tunes on and I could just browse and switch off to everything going on around me.

I am loads better now but still have the odd attack, that's if I have no tunes with me.